Ok. Thanks a bunch everyone who spoke up!
It turns out my previous assumptions about the shocks were wrong and there really is something holding the plate washer on the stanchions.

Loosening the pinch bolts and pushing on the steering column helped lessen the problem (it did not remove it completely, but that was to be expected, because of the rubber dampers). So when I have enough time, I'll open up the steering bearings and then reassemble the front end correctly (that little experiment also made me understand the measurement of 256-257 mm from lower bracket to top of the shock requirement in the manual, which had me baffled when I read it at first).
This whole issue again confirms my "don't trust the shops" problem. Last time the front end was open, was the same time when I had the shock oil and seals changed and they did not notify me of a missing brake caliper bolt (which in my opinion calls for actually replacing said bolt during the service).
One of those days when you learn something. Thanks.