Help! cant get my FZR6 to idle right!

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Re: Help! cant get my FZR6 to idle right!

Post by tclayton9 »

About 60 dollars for all four. You could use hot water to soften them up.
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Re: Help! cant get my FZR6 to idle right!

Post by J-ROD »

I will try that for sure, Tclayton9 suggested simmering antifreeze in a crackpot over night And soaking the boots in there.
Man if that's my only problem, Id be happier than "a camel on Wednesday"....
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Re: Help! cant get my FZR6 to idle right!

Post by J-ROD »

Ok, so I've got my air box boots simmering in my wife's crockpot until the morning...
Which in case you guys were wondering, did not go over well... she said ,"WHAT are you Putting in my crockpot!?!" I had to reassure her that the parts were just rubber, and they were cooking in just water! Hahaha:-) I'll see how they fit on the carbs in the morning and I'll post the results! Fingers crossed, I GOTTA ride soon or I'm gonna go crazy!
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Re: Help! cant get my FZR6 to idle right!

Post by J-ROD »

I've tried everything you guys have suggested on the air box boots, and nothing is working! The openings have shrunk down to where even if they are soft from the heat gun, they still won't fit on the carbs. My only option at this point is to buy new ones. I just now pulled the carbs back off, and I removed to boots to the engine again. I'm gonna work on these boots for a bit, I think they are leaking air.
The previous owner put in some standard bolts with copper washers in the
Threaded plug holes, I wonder if the washers are letting air in? They look pretty worn
Out. I'm at the end of my rope with this bike, I am so tired of screwing around with it
And never getting anywhere. If I were to just sell it as is, any idea how much I could get for it?
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Re: Help! cant get my FZR6 to idle right!

Post by tclayton9 »

You tried looking at parts on eBay. You could buy a used airbox with boots in it for like 30 bucks. And what condition is the bike in, and miles.
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Re: Help! cant get my FZR6 to idle right!

Post by J-ROD »

I worry about buying used rubber parts because they may be just as old and stiff as the ones I have so I would have to Buy new.
The bike is in decent shape, but a lot of the mounting holes on the fairings are broken out and the fairings have some Road rash from when my step bro laid it
Down. They would work with some TLC but would need a new fairing set to look good. I think it has around 25k on the odometer. Needs tires too, almost bald.
No wonder he just gave me the bike! Lol
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Re: Help! cant get my FZR6 to idle right!

Post by ragedigital »

J-ROD wrote:Can some one tell me how to upload pictures? I can't seem to find the attach button
Since our Gallery has issues, it is best to load the images onto a photo site like Photobucket and link to them.
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Re: Help! cant get my FZR6 to idle right!

Post by J-ROD »

Ok thanks I'll give that a shot. I'll upload some pics of the bike
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Re: Help! cant get my FZR6 to idle right!

Post by J-ROD »

I found out that the carb holder boots are leaking at their bases. I pulled them off, mounted each One to a flat sheet of 1/4in steel, plugged the openings and used my smoke machine to fill them With smoke. Sure enough, smoke started pouring out at the base of each boot!
I ordered a set of new boots, so I'm hoping this will fix the problem!
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Re: Help! cant get my FZR6 to idle right!

Post by M in KC »

Good for you!
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Re: Help! cant get my FZR6 to idle right!

Post by J-ROD »

Thanks! They just came in the mail today but I'm getting ready to leave for the lake for the Weekend so I won't be able to install the new parts until Monday evening or Tuesday:-( but I will surely post an update as soon as I get the bike back together!
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Re: Help! cant get my FZR6 to idle right!

Post by J-ROD »

ok, so the carb boots fixed the air leak! however...still a couple of issues i need to get worked out.
in first gear when i let the clutch out to start rolling, the bike starts bogging down and doesnt want to start moving... it does not feel like a transmission
issue, feels more like the engine just kinda stumbles when i roll the throttle. once i DO get her rolling, it clears up and GOES!
but it definately falls on its face when starting off from a stop.
second, while im just cruising down the road, going the speed limit or whatever, just holding the throttle in one place...not adding or releasing throttle,
the bike starts kinda jerking...strange to explain in words, i guess a way to describe it is, the bike lurches forward in a rhythmic pattern...LOL
you could duplicate the issue by blipping the throttle while in gear, maybe once or twice per i said, hard to describe haha
anybody have any ideas on these 2 issues?
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Re: Help! cant get my FZR6 to idle right!

Post by M in KC »

I would bet your first gear bogging is fuel delivery related. To much fuel and the motor wants to, what us two-stroke guys call, "four stroke" or bog because the air fuel mixture is too rich. Now that you have the air leak(s) solved run back over your air adjustments on the carbs.

How does your drive chain's tension look? Lugging is a common symptom of a slack chain. Or perhaps do you have a section of drive chain that is kinked from your rythmic pattern comment.
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Re: Help! cant get my FZR6 to idle right!

Post by J-ROD »

Great ideas, thanks!
I think since I finally got the air leak problem resolved that I'll go ahead and try to sync the carbs again with the manometer that I built. Speaking of which, do you know where I can find the adapters for the carb boots to sync the carbs? I made a set out of grease fittings which actually fit perfect but the tubes on my sync tool were too big to fit them.
I'll try adjusting the air fuel screws also, I think their at 3 1/2 turns out, where should they be?
The chain is old and hasn't been lubed in what looks like forever, but it does not have a whole lot of play, looks like its adjusted pretty good. Could be a frozen link I suppose?
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Re: Help! cant get my FZR6 to idle right!

Post by M in KC »

The screw adjustments will need to be what the motor tells you. 1 1/2, 3 1/2 turns its all relative to motor health, elevation to sea level, etc. But if you get past 3 1/2 turns out you probably should increase your pilot jet size and start the whole mixture screw adjustment process over again. The screw adjustment suggested are just that suggestions. Those adjustment settings should allow folks to get their motors running and then dial them in from there. Unfortunately there isn't a one size fits all solution. Hang in there man you are almost there.

Like most folks' drive chains a little cleaning and lubrication can go along way. I know mine is due for some serivce as well.
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