Adjusting float height

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Adjusting float height

Post by coops »

Can this be done without removing the carbs?
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Re: Adjusting float height

Post by Stig »

dependant on method. if you're setting them dry with the credit card method then def not. if you're using the external tube with fuel level then maybe but not easy plus you'd have to take the bowls off to adjust the tang/float height if they were out of spec...and the screws for the bowl arent easy to get to or are tight in some instances

all in all, its alot easier to do them off the bike ... height.htm
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Re: Adjusting float height

Post by coops »

Stig wrote:dependant on method. if you're setting them dry with the credit card method then def not. if you're using the external tube with fuel level then maybe but not easy plus you'd have to take the bowls off to adjust the tang/float height if they were out of spec...and the screws for the bowl arent easy to get to or are tight in some instances

all in all, its alot easier to do them off the bike ... height.htm
Thanks Stig. I suppose I was really just asking if the bowls will come off with the carbs on. I put cap screws in there the last time I had them apart so they shouldn't be a problem.
Im going to have them apart anyway soon so ill check float height then. But im going to check the fuel level before I remove them and maybe see how well that correlates with float height and was wondering if they could be tweeked with carbs on if necessary. So maybe they can. Thanks for the reply.
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