Need Help; Getting it Running

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Need Help; Getting it Running

Post by McLurch »

It is an '89 FZR600 which I bough in the summer of 2013. My buddy picked up a bike with the intent to get it running. Unfortunately he was unable to, but I bought it anyway. He claims he had it running and after that he cleaned the carbs and got things adjusted. But since then it hasn't fired at all. It turns over fine but that's about it.

Somethings I did to the bike already:
Replace the voltage regulator, due to a melted connector
New spark plugs
Put some weather proof connectors in, lots of bare wire connections

Some issues the bike has:
Neutral Light does not come on
Turn signal light is on solid on the dash
Brake lights don't seem to come on but tail lights are on
Horn does not work
Starter button does not work

Other things to make note of:
Headlight switch, headlights, and lights on the dash work fine.
The kickstand switch is bypassed.
Coils test out fine at 2.6 ohms
I checked spark on one cylinder from each coil pack, the spark seems weak, but I don't have much to compare it to.

Any and all help would be greatly appreciated.
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Re: Need Help; Getting it Running

Post by goosefartfan »

your first two statements are confusing.

If I understand you correctly, he had it running, then he fiddled with the carbs, and now it doesn't run again.

If true (this reminds me of another post just like this one), something was done wrong with the carbs.

Lots of ways to screw up carbs, but if it's been sitting a year you'll probably have to reclean the carbs. There are lots of posts/youtubes here and elsewhere to help you with that.

I think you should start basic, and make sure you're starting with a new battery, with more than 13 v resting. If you're jumping batteries from a car, make sure the car is turned off! Then ditch the old gas, put in a gallon of new.

this link is your friend ... opic=52664
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Re: Need Help; Getting it Running

Post by McLurch »

Yeah I know it is a little confusing for me as well. He swore up and down the carbs were good. Him and his dad were thinking electrical.

I bought a brand new battery last year, she is getting plenty of power.

I will pull the carbs off tonight and see what I can come up with.

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Re: Need Help; Getting it Running

Post by McLurch »

I finally got around to pulling the carbs off and this it what I came up with. The carbs were a little dirty on the inside but jets and that looked and seemed fine. Floats were set to 22mm resting. Air/fuel was off slightly but no more then one full revolution from each other. One of the diaphragms looks messed up, needs to be replaced and a second probably wouldn't hurt. Cars were full of fuel when I removed the covers, the spillage was coming from the over flow.

My thoughts are:

The master relay is obviously screwed up since I can't get have the things running through it to operate properly. But I don't think that is something that is hindering the bike from running. Fuel pump primes and the spark plugs fire, seemingly weak, but they do fire.

Maybe the tci need to be replaced or fixed. I have come across gremlins in electrical systems before so it wouldn't surprise me the brain box has a problem.
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Re: Need Help; Getting it Running

Post by McLurch »

I had a chance to play with the bike today, I redid the connection on the coil wires to the plug boots. While the carbs were off I poured a little gas in each cylinder, the result was flames shooting out the top but no real bang. On two short occasions I heard a noise from the muffler instead of the out the intake. Battery was low so I had to pull it out and charge it.

Any more input?
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Re: Need Help; Getting it Running

Post by McLurch »

She lives!!!!

I am not exactly sure what I did but she is running on her own. I still have a few issues I need to address.

A fuel leak at the input to the carbs, 3EN-14997-00-00 seals are leaking. From some light reading some parts from a Suzuki gs500 carburator parts are interchangeable. It appears that 13673-44B00 seal is the same as the yamaha part.

Tachometer is not working, not exactly sure where to start looking.

Blinkers and Horn do not work, I do have power going to the connector going into the handle bar controls.

Brake lights do not work, I checked fluid level in the master ccylinder and it was empty. I am having a metal plug made up and installed to replace the glass sight. Hopefully there is not a leak anywhere else.

I think that is it. When I get those issues taken care of it will be time to ride.
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Re: Need Help; Getting it Running

Post by goosefartfan »

I'm in a similar situation....
can you remember what you did exactly that got it to start?
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Re: Need Help; Getting it Running

Post by McLurch »

I think it had to do with a fully charged battery, re splicing the kickstand switch together, or getting clean copper on the coil wires. I think some of my original issue also had to be the carbs were adjusted all the way shut. Once I figured out what the little knob was for I opened it up a bit and she fired right up.

I am still waiting on getting my replacement seals for the carbs fuel input to see if she wil still fire up first shot or not.
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Re: Need Help; Getting it Running

Post by goosefartfan »

McLurch wrote:I think it had to do with a fully charged battery,

re splicing the kickstand switch together, WAS THE STARTER TURNING AND NO IGNITION, OR WAS NOTHING HAPPENING?
or getting clean copper on the coil wires.

I think some of my original issue also had to be the carbs were adjusted all the way shut.

Once I figured out what the little knob was for I opened it up a bit and she fired right up.

I am still waiting on getting my replacement seals for the carbs fuel input to see if she wil still fire up first shot or not.
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Re: Need Help; Getting it Running

Post by McLurch »

Yes it was turning over but no ignition, I check for spark at it was there but it seemed weak. I ended up blaming a crappy connection from plug boot to coil wire.
I did adjust the fuel to air screws but they were only off by a turn or two. The knob was the idle control speed. It was totally shut.
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