'89 FZR 400 EXUP valve bushes

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John The Hat
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'89 FZR 400 EXUP valve bushes

Post by John The Hat »

Hi. I am a newcomer here. I don't OWN an FZR but I am trying to get one sorted for a mate. Sweet little bike and not a lot wrong with it. EXCEPT the exup valve. Someone has "had a go" and it feels as if there are no bushes in there at all. There is so much play it is impossible to set the cables up. Looking about there do not seem to be a lot of spares available. Anyone know where I can get some ? I have seen them on a US site but they are not cheap & the owner is an impecunious student :-)

The alternative it to turn them up from graphite rod stock I guess. Anyone done this ? I have heard dimensions of 10mm x 17mm x 7mm (id x od x d). Can anyone confirm this or if you have a spare set kicking about can someone put a micrometer to work ? The OD is going to be critical or the bush will either not fit or turn.
If you can't fix it, you don't own it.
(Andy Pugh said that.)
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Re: '89 FZR 400 EXUP valve bushes

Post by Evilchicken0 »

I think they're a Yamaha part so they won't be cheap.
Don't read everything you believe
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Re: '89 FZR 400 EXUP valve bushes

Post by willandrip »

They are still available from any Yamaha dealer.
They have been upgraded from;
http://www.boats.net/parts/detail/yamah ... 72-00.html


I do not think you will get cheaper than from the USA supplier though.
As you have not stated where you are in the Galaxy it is hard to decipher what the p+p will cost !

The bush fit is not what I would call critical.
Remove the faceplate from the valve and take measurements of the valve spindle and the faceplate recess.
If you are contemplating turning units from graphite; you should have access to the measuring tools.

Before use the genuine part is soft and malleable and easily fitted ;after exposure to exhaust gasses it is hard and brittle.
Machinable graphite will be hard and brittle in order to withstand tooling,
You may be able to manufacture a special drift to fit the blind end bush if you can machine a replacement from graphite.
Brass would be a better medium.

It is only a simple bush; it does not have to withstand high speed rotation.
If the reassembled valve falls freely under its own weight when a manufactured bush has been installed it will suffice.

I believe I paid £15/17 in the UK last year from the local dealer.
Sent from my keyboard using the English language not some teen text shite from a fooking phone.
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