fzr600 tci

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fzr600 tci

Post by pointybum »

Fried mine. Its the little black box by the battery. I'm not sure if tci is the correct name but it's the thing that controls timing

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Re: fzr600 tci

Post by DonTZ125 »

That's the TCI. Depending on what happened, what works / doesn't work, I may be able to repair it for you.
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Re: fzr600 tci

Post by pointybum »

i might be able to repair it myself but I'm not sure which would be less effort finding a new one or trying to repair this one(assuming it is in my realm of abilities). Pm me just a rough guess on how much it might be to fix this(not gonna hold you to any pricing i just wanna weigh out my options). All i know is ebay prices are outrageous right now.haha
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Re: fzr600 tci

Post by DonTZ125 »

My fee for a successful repair is $100. If I can't fix it, I don't charge for the attempt.

Does the pump come on? Do you have spark on either channel?
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Re: fzr600 tci

Post by pointybum »

Pump not comming on. i haven't checked for if spark is getting to the plugs you can just hear it(what i assume) constantly sending spark. something is shorting out(just by having it key on, no press of the starter) and making a clicking noise that you can feel from the outside of the box.
91 fzr 600
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