96 fzr 600 just purchased today!

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Re: 96 fzr 600 just purchased today!

Post by yamaha_george »

thanks the good wishes worked, I have sold the bike and got a decent price to a guy who is a passionate biker, before it went I checked the ig switch screws they are 6MM * 1mm pitch standard screws length not sure about but I would look at 25mm long all thread bolts and test them in situ as I said earlier DO NOT let them jam the bottom of the blind hole so 2mm shorter is shorter is safe .
As a rule of thumb 4 complete turns of thread in a blind hole & for a nut with two more turns beyond in the nut for safe threading (vibration resistance (wiggle room )) I always use NYLOC or Aero-nuts on my bike builds simply because the threads are in a harsh oil laden vibrating machine.

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Re: 96 fzr 600 just purchased today!

Post by drlvp »

yamaha_george wrote:everytime I walk past her sitting doing nothing when she should be putting a smile on somebody's face.
And she did. All the way home!

Thanks George, i'll look after her :tks:
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Re: 96 fzr 600 just purchased today!

Post by yamaha_george »

drlvp wrote:
yamaha_george wrote:everytime I walk past her sitting doing nothing when she should be putting a smile on somebody's face.
And she did. All the way home!

Thanks George, i'll look after her :tks:
Hi drlvp ,
welcome to the board where the inmates rule, glad you liked the ride and she certainly looks "at home " with your other rides. :notworthy:

there is one slight hitch you rode away with one too many keys the smaller black capped one is the ignition key for the RD !! :duh: on my part. :rofl:
CU in the morning for the rest of tools & stuff
A slightly misty eyed George .
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Re: 96 fzr 600 just purchased today!

Post by Valhalla_fzr96 »

Lol I know the feeling. When I sold the cbr after all the work I put into it I was so mad at myself. I had got rid of it bcuz my back was getting worse and I needed the money but shortly after it got warmer and all I could think about was riding and all the fun of building again. But there was beginning to become engine issues on the cbr and I wasn't ready to tear it all apart yet so I sold it :( but anyways I got a much better bike in my eyes and definitely got better at repairs and such thanks to info from forums and their wonderful inhabitants lol and of course YouTube.
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Re: 96 fzr 600 just purchased today!

Post by Valhalla_fzr96 »

What's a good thing to run through my fuel that will basically clean out my fuel system without taking everything apart and cleaning it all. I'm trying to avoid taking the carbs apart. Like will seafoam or something like that work or do you know a special brand of cleaner or anything
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Re: 96 fzr 600 just purchased today!

Post by yamaha_george »

Valhalla_fzr96 wrote:What's a good thing to run through my fuel that will basically clean out my fuel system without taking everything apart and cleaning it all. I'm trying to avoid taking the carbs apart. Like will seafoam or something like that work or do you know a special brand of cleaner or anything

according to what I have read here & on other forums Seafoam is universally used. Never seen any bitching about it so I presume it works, In the case of an FZR It would mean taking off the false tank cover and presumably removing the air box for a direct shot down the carb throats as well as mixing the seafoam in the gas tank

Apart from that I have never used it (not sure you can buy it in the UK?) so I will leave others to comment and you could use seafoam in the FZRO search engine.

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Re: 96 fzr 600 just purchased today!

Post by Valhalla_fzr96 »

Lol I'm just hoping this will work bcuz while im riding it acts like it wants more a lot of the time. I mean it will open up and fly but there's just those moments when it sounds starved so hopefully this will blow a lot of the bullshit out
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Re: 96 fzr 600 just purchased today!

Post by drlvp »

Ive run Silkolene Pro FST through carbs and had pretty good results :thumbsup:

Btw George, Keys should be on their way back to you tomorrow. I managed to have a quick nose through the bits collected today when i popped to Simon's and i thank you kindly sir!
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Re: 96 fzr 600 just purchased today!

Post by yamaha_george »

Have the spare keys for the locks BUT not for the tank/ignition get a set cut asap. As you see I keep my word as too all the spares going with the bike, I have yet to find the bank of four carbs there deep under my work bench which is under deep RD stuff gettin boxed up for the show & tell fr you and Si.
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Re: 96 fzr 600 just purchased today!

Post by goosefartfan »

thanks for all the info through the years!

I'm afraid to ask, but did you hurt your back by riding the bike?

wishes for a complete recovery!
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Re: 96 fzr 600 just purchased today!

Post by yamaha_george »

goosefartfan wrote:George,
thanks for all the info through the years!

I'm afraid to ask, but did you hurt your back by riding the bike?

wishes for a complete recovery!
the crazy part is I have ridden bikes for 54 years and i broke my back out walking in the woods with my Daughters. I literally slipped on a leaf and fell across a tree root
I got up and walked away and the next morning it felt like I had stepped on a damp floor with electricity in it ( I used an arc welder in damp conditions once so i know what it feels like :-)

I went to the doctors in the village given anti-inflams & pain killer, still the electric shocks thro my legs. 6 weeks later I had an routine MRI and that is when they discovered my spine was completely out of line I was lucky that being extremely fit the muscles stopped the complete break crippling me and putting me in a wheel chair.
the back is healing very nicely after the op just i get very tired as I have no stamina after the op anisthetic.

The physio says I can ride but a very light bike so life goes on............

Thanks for the good wishes from all of you over this trouble some period, the support & care you guys have given my wife and I has been absolutely great in some very dark hours

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Re: 96 fzr 600 just purchased today!

Post by Valhalla_fzr96 »

Got an issue George. My bike wont crank now and my solenoid makes one loud tick and that's it but if I hit it with my pliers a few times it starts up. Is this my solenoid going bad? I ordered a new one anyways for 15 so not a loss if it isn't.
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Re: 96 fzr 600 just purchased today!

Post by pefrey »

Many of these bikes need a lot of TLC because they are old and have been stored outdoors or in some other manner of unsavory conditions.

EDIT: I really should read through a thread before replying LOL.
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Re: 96 fzr 600 just purchased today!

Post by pefrey »

Hey G just read your story about your back. I knew you were out of commission for a while but didn't really know why. I'm glad it all worked out for you and from the sounds of it, you are doing well.
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Re: 96 fzr 600 just purchased today!

Post by yamaha_george »

yes the solenoid can stick if not used for a while, the replacements are cheap enough as you say but i would use it repeatedly for over an hour or so and it may "just work"

P, thanks for the good wishes i hope it will get a bit better been along old battle for sure and i ain't that young for this kind of fight any more
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