V,Valhalla_fzr96 wrote:Omg every bit of light that sheds on this bike I find something new screwed upits running pretty good im thinking I need to drain the tank and put some new gas in I actually rode it for about a mile today and rides great but as I was riding I lose all power and I was like wtf then I discovered that one of the wires on my ignition had came unsoldered and was barely connecting...aaaahhhhhhh its annoying but easy fix its an old ignition has been changed once before so I'm just gonna purchase a new one and put it on tomorrow and the mirrors and a license plate light and then its ready to be inspected and tagged. Wooohoooo but only one issue after that sometimes when I give it a lot of throttle it doesn't take off but kind of Boggs down and I let off and its fine. Should I adjust my idle screw or fully take the tank and air box off and go for a bench sync on my carbs? As I said before they look to be pretty clean im just wondering if maybe its dumping to much fuel or maybe im not getting enough spark. Suggestions please. I'm so ready to open this badass up and put some wear on these new tires thanks in advance
second hand bikes are "pre-owned " not always "pre-loved".
You first idea of draining the gas and making sure there is no water in the tank is good.
Your next idea to take the carbs and clean them is a bit more ambitious BUT well documented in the WIKI there is also a HOW TO:- for making your own carb balance tools and HOW TO:- balance the carbs to synch them to damn near perfect.
If the Ignition module wires were loose BE SURE to check the rest for fraying / hacks and other nonsense or you can burn the loom VERY easily a number of readers of this site have had that problem. BE SURE to check you have a modern Voltage regulator fitted the old tin & rubber jobbies are not worth crap they were made from.
As for plugs I always use precious metal plugs of the same heat range as the bike comes stock with , yes they are a bit more expensive but I cannot recall when last I had a plug foul (if I could it was probably back in the 60's -70's in Africa or some other remote spot.)