96 fzr 600 just purchased today!

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Re: 96 fzr 600 just purchased today!

Post by yamaha_george »

Valhalla_fzr96 wrote:Omg every bit of light that sheds on this bike I find something new screwed up lol its running pretty good im thinking I need to drain the tank and put some new gas in I actually rode it for about a mile today and rides great but as I was riding I lose all power and I was like wtf then I discovered that one of the wires on my ignition had came unsoldered and was barely connecting...aaaahhhhhhh its annoying but easy fix its an old ignition has been changed once before so I'm just gonna purchase a new one and put it on tomorrow and the mirrors and a license plate light and then its ready to be inspected and tagged. Wooohoooo but only one issue after that sometimes when I give it a lot of throttle it doesn't take off but kind of Boggs down and I let off and its fine. Should I adjust my idle screw or fully take the tank and air box off and go for a bench sync on my carbs? As I said before they look to be pretty clean im just wondering if maybe its dumping to much fuel or maybe im not getting enough spark. Suggestions please. I'm so ready to open this badass up and put some wear on these new tires thanks in advance
second hand bikes are "pre-owned " not always "pre-loved".

You first idea of draining the gas and making sure there is no water in the tank is good.
Your next idea to take the carbs and clean them is a bit more ambitious BUT well documented in the WIKI there is also a HOW TO:- for making your own carb balance tools and HOW TO:- balance the carbs to synch them to damn near perfect.

If the Ignition module wires were loose BE SURE to check the rest for fraying / hacks and other nonsense or you can burn the loom VERY easily a number of readers of this site have had that problem. BE SURE to check you have a modern Voltage regulator fitted the old tin & rubber jobbies are not worth crap they were made from.

As for plugs I always use precious metal plugs of the same heat range as the bike comes stock with , yes they are a bit more expensive but I cannot recall when last I had a plug foul (if I could it was probably back in the 60's -70's in Africa or some other remote spot.)
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Re: 96 fzr 600 just purchased today!

Post by Valhalla_fzr96 »

Ok so update I started doing some investigating after I had to push my bike over a mile back home today (cussing the hole way) and low and behold the fuel filter was clogged with rust so I drained the tank and got some stuff to clean the tank and a new filter and reconnected everything. Damn thing started right up. Oh I drained the fuel pump also and ran clean gas out until it was clear. It sputtered a little im assuming burning out the crud and bits of shit that was left inside and now there is no problems running its actually doing great. As for the ignition I ordered a brand new one designed for the bike and pitched the stupid honda one that some put on there and for now just bypassed with a toggle to finish working out kinks until the new one arrives. So far today was a major gain for me going to stay close until I get all the kinks out for sure for some reason my battery keeps dying, I'm thinking from trying to get it to start and stay running I know the starter takes alot out of the little batteries so im gonna leave on trickle til I leave for work tomorrow otherwise theres something pulling alot of power and I will track it down later but otherwise I'm pretty much ready to ride and start the customization process woot woot
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Re: 96 fzr 600 just purchased today!

Post by yamaha_george »

sorry when you said ignition unit in a previous post I thought you were referring to the "black box" not the ignition switch on the tripletree.

as to crud in the tank, I have a rule with 2nd hand bikes (i do believe it is in the WIKI ) and that is to change all fluids
that way you have a record in your bike's notebook of the oil change ,quantity used, brake fluid & type used , coolant and type used,mixture etc.

You do have a notebook ?

some of the guys and gals here have taken on board some of my ideas for looking after their beloved bike<S> and that is to get a small hard cover note book (address books are great as they have alphabetical book marks built in.)

Every time you do something electrical,mechanical or even paint something you write it down.
The benefits are :-
A} a reminder to you of your last oil /tyre/brake fluid/coolant change date/ odometer reading (keeps oil changes regular )
B} quantity of substance used (no more 2Gallon oilpans in the way when you only used 750cc )
C} Tyre wear noted to allow you to Know when next you will need Tyres or sprocket and chain.
D} things like shim gaps and spark plug settings are there at your finger tips
E} colour of paint used can be replicated easily
F} a record of every replacement part used in the build of a custom job (year/make/model/supplier/price *** )
G} you have a record of everything for the NEXT owner so you get a better price

*** if you are married put that information in code wives I am told take a dim view of being underspent on with regard to what your bike gets LoL. Yes I do know by personal experience, my current wife is my third, she is one in a few million allowing me to keep one of my bikes in the upstairs lounge.( I like to say its because she has bikes in her blood, by way of explanation :- she cut her big toe on her wedding night on a bike part under the marital bed ) :whistle
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Re: 96 fzr 600 just purchased today!

Post by Valhalla_fzr96 »

I guess I can say I'm pretty lucky with my wife she doesn't mind at all about my bikes she actually loves to see what I can come up with. She thought I was being scammed with this bike because it didnt run and I have had some issues but once this thing started last night she was so surprised and happy. She is actually very helpful with it to she hands me tools sits and learns and actually gives ideas while im customising. Her logic is that she knows my love for bikes and promised to never take away anything that I love which is why she will never leave me. I will be buying a notebook and record what I have done so far and everything I continue to do. Its part of the reason I have been on here everyday updating my progress. Im changing the oil and brake fluid tonight that's all I have left the previous owner had just had the radiator flushed as I have the documentation for it. Once again thank you George im glad that you help where you can here this site should consider you a great asset.
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Re: 96 fzr 600 just purchased today!

Post by yamaha_george »

Glad you found a good lady to share your love with .

Glad you find my experiences useful, I have always found that too many folk hang on to their knowledge and are afraid to share it so their lives actually add very little to the world.

One thing you could do is put which city/county/state you are in on your profile details, that way later folks can ping you if they are close by and you can take a ride out.
I get a great "kick " from meeting cyber nuts like my self at the ACE Cafe' mostly or a Yamaha festival or race meet.

Have you got an outline yet for what you are going to do to the bike ?

the best mod I did was the front fork mod as best value for money. (details of Vendors are in the piece I did on my web site.) Http://www.saltmine.org.uk/fzr/fzr.html
what ever you decide to do tell us all and then those who have done that etc can let you know the "GOTCHA"'s
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Re: 96 fzr 600 just purchased today!

Post by Valhalla_fzr96 »

Well so far I have to change my plan on the tail originally it was going to be a one seater but instead im trying to find a unique 2seater tail and im pplanning on finding a smaller set of side fairings or none at all and I found a pretty sweet custom belly pan. Not sure if im gonna go with a street fighter style front or a windshield front yet still debating that one. Most likely a r1 tank conversion, vortex sprockets, a few other engine mods (undecided), a single sided 6 inch extended swing arm and possibly a car rim conversion (saw it once not sure if it will work) I may stick with just some custom rims if I can't find something I like then just some chrome fzr's. I'm hoping if the car rim idea doesn't work out then I can find a wider back rim and tire. But this is just my wish list, its going to take awhile and be expensive but eventually I will get to it all but its my set up that I have in mind so far. Its gonna be a half way street fighter I guess.
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Re: 96 fzr 600 just purchased today!

Post by yamaha_george »

The single side swing arm was done on here a couple of years back quite successfully, the wider rim stick to a bike wheel or the swingarm/bearings will be under severe strain forces and extending the swing arm will not only screw up the very good handling of the bike but make the forces from the wheel to frame even greater ie more destructive.

( the army sergeant trick of holding a wet T shirt at arms length for an hour will give you an idea how force multiplies the further away from the pivot point even with a light load.

If you change the rear end to put the lady on the back make sure to remember the same load rules apply, Talk to Nate AKA ThatKId at Greens about what can be done safely as he has done a lot of work in tail swapping for folks here.
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Re: 96 fzr 600 just purchased today!

Post by Valhalla_fzr96 »

If done right will 6 inch extension really throw it off that bad? I mean I live near some wicked curves and I been really pushing my luck with this bike on them its a blast. Now that its been running good the past few days just been testing it out as all I have had so far is a gsxr and a cbr 600rr. The cbr handled pretty good but seems much lighter than the fzr and I had a much longer extension on the gsxr but it was more of a straight away screamer I never really pushed curves hard until the cbr due to the longer rear. I mean I know it will hurt the handling a little but I have seen alot of stretched bikes and they seem to do well just not at 100mph+. I am definitely doing the single side though I think it will really set off the bike as far as for the show aspect. I guess the stretch and lowering is a big fad here, but its ok because if its really going to affect my performance I don't want that because unlike the cbr this bike is really comfortable I'm actually really surprised I really feel like I can travel on it longer distances and since I am being medically retired from the military due to a back injury the comfort part is a huge plus for me. Also how do you and anyone else reading feel about paint? As in more of a glossy style or a matte color? Im honestly thinking of a mixture of the 2 the p.o. used some engine paint on the engine and went matte black and I think it would really pop with like a glossy or pearlesent orange or burnt red. I know everyone is gonna say its my creation whatever I think best but I'm asking for opinions because my thrill of creating is the impressions of others. So please from the small bits of ideas I have given for my bikes layout please some ideas would be very much welcomed and appreciated. As soon as I can figure out how to upload pictures I will start posting the cosmetic items I had in mind. As always thank you.
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Re: 96 fzr 600 just purchased today!

Post by Valhalla_fzr96 »

As for the orange and red I meant on the fairings. Sorry forgot to specify that I was leaving the engine with the matte black color.
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Re: 96 fzr 600 just purchased today!

Post by yamaha_george »

Bike's are like women t5hey are a very personal choice and enhanced by what they wear in the way of colours..

Ex-military like a number of us here ( ex-screaming eagle ) sorry to hear that like a lot of us you have a back problem broke mine nearly 4 years ago hence the recommendation to got to a smaller bike by the physio's
yes the FZR seems heavier than a CBR to wrestle parked/slow riding but at anything over 30MPH they ride light ( as handle well in curves/corners) the little extra weight of the bike plus my 200lBs has the bike well "planted" in corners.:-)

That handling goes out the window if you fatten Tyres or change the wheel base (well documented on this site ) I know it is "fashionable to have slammed and lengthened bike in the US BUt it comes at no small price to the rideability. On the twisties here in the UK I can leave most bikes for dead in the curves and only 1K bikes are any threat on the straights as I know i can out brake just about anything out there with my blue spot front brakes and the bike is so stable that it inspires confidence.Longest days ride was London to Aberdeen approx 800 Km
in just over 7 hours with one pit stop for me and two fuel stops so yes it is a comfortable ride
As to paint I am biased I like Blue & white bikes (as you will see on my web site my best "toy" is three shades of blue & white and she never looks dirty even after a ride in Rainy season.)

Pearlesent white is a Yamaha standard for the FZR 600 A really eye burning orange (I used it on "patriot" for its frame ) with a Matt paint on the extreme bottom of the lower fairings /belly pan perhaps
, be carefull what you colour the wheels , white looks good but is a bugger to keep clean, black always looks naff unless it is metallic and more gun metal than actual black.,Silver is good chrome always look cheap and tatty like the owner is a "bling brain" from the wrong side of the tracks LoL

I would Google FZR images and see the various paint jobs done and take a pick /mix
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Re: 96 fzr 600 just purchased today!

Post by yamaha_george »

Valhalla_fzr96 wrote:As for the orange and red I meant on the fairings. Sorry forgot to specify that I was leaving the engine with the matte black color.
did a google and found this :

http://www.airtech-streamlining.com/yam ... ersion.htm

thought it might prove to be inspirational on the same page that google image came up with. is my own bike parked outside the PO's salmon pink walled garage small world

There is also a bike called "chucky" from the FZR archives in orange frame PLUS a radical alloy tanked & seated FZR here :-

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Re: 96 fzr 600 just purchased today!

Post by Valhalla_fzr96 »

Yes I have this airtech site in my favorites but thatkid said its shit because they have made so many from their molds so im guessing I'm just going to get the real ones and a subframe and modify myself its not the first time nor will it be the last. As for paint I'm still in a toss up but thanks for the different idea scheme.
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Re: 96 fzr 600 just purchased today!

Post by Valhalla_fzr96 »

I do have a request from anyone that knows or can find out I searched but no luck. I got my new ignition in today and there are 2 bolts that hold it in but my old switch was not attatched this way it was left more or less floating. I need the size and length of these 2 bolts so im not spending forever having to buy and size different ones just helps make my day a little quicker instead of worrying about small fixes that should only take 5 minutes. Also im having an issue with my lights I can't figure out if its the wiring or the switch but the brights are always on and when I flip the switch I can see the dims come on but both ways the brights seem to kick on. I can kind of position the switch to get my dims on but its kind of a hit or miss so to say and my bright indicator always stays on. I'm thinking the switch but I don't want to buy a new one if I don't have to
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Re: 96 fzr 600 just purchased today!

Post by yamaha_george »

the quick answer to the two screws on the ignition is to try a screw from the bike most are 6mm, tank hold down screws on the tank cover up by the triple tree, if they are too big then the switch has 5mm diam screws.as to length use a match stick/ twig to get depth of hole in the top clamp and measure the thickness of the web hole in the switch (add together then take away 2mm (so the screw does not bind and break )

as for your always bright NOT sure that the states market gets always on lights ???? if the hi beam is then always on someone swapped the lowered lights wire to the hi beam wire so they need reversing .

The WIKI has the wiring diagram to see what colour goes where on the bars light loom.

FXR RH lamp switches have a tendency to break wires inside so gently is the word or re-soldering will be the joy of your next chores.

you asked about plugs, whilst prepping all the spares going with my bike i found a set of IRIDIUM IX Plugs "CR9EIX" sorry it took awhile to find :whistle

Wish me luck that my bike sells this afternoon as it tears my heart everytime I walk past her sitting doing nothing when she should be putting a smile on somebody's face.
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Re: 96 fzr 600 just purchased today!

Post by Valhalla_fzr96 »

Thanks for the insight. That sucks. Wish you were getting to keep it. Though I have barely had mine a week I feel I have already done so much to it which has made me fall in love with it. I hated my cbr because of all the crap I had to do to make it legal and fix without much knowledge or help. My gsxr was already built when I bought it and I never really had to work on it much so I didn't get to be as passionate towards it as I should have. Good luck on the sale hope everything goes how you expect it to and as always thanks for the info.
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