Fork seal
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Fork seal
So I know the proper way to replace a fork seal,and did it successfully. However, I have a problem with a different set of forks the bolt holding the damper rod will not break loose and has rounded. Is there a way or any ideas of getting the seal out without normal disassembling?
Re: Fork seal
Take it to a machine shop? There really isn't a way to get the seal out with the tube still in there. If you have a press, you can try to press a standard size allen into the stripped allen and use an impact wrench to hopefully break it free. A standard allen should be just a bit bigger so the corners should bite. Otherwise drill the head off the allen and once the rod is out you have more options to get the remaining bolt out.

Do YOU Scopper?
"When some people cry, it's not because they’re weak. It’s because they’ve been strong for far too long."
Re: Fork seal
Soak it with penetrating liquid for 24 hrs, then do it again. Lightly Tap on the end of bolt. Use an EZ-Extraction bit.
1992 FZR600
"He's a tough, old goat...his name's not Rocky for nothing!"
"He's a tough, old goat...his name's not Rocky for nothing!"
Re: Fork seal
It's no different than replacing any other seal with shaft in place.
The seal CAN come out without disassembly. It's pretty standard practice in shops to do it suchlike:
Remove the entire fork leg...remove the spring cap and spring, replace the spring cap. DO NOT drain the oil. Remove the seal retaining ring. Wrap a rag around the inner and outer fork tube. Put the axle end of the leg on a two by four on the floor...compress the forks as far as possible. Use a heavy dead blow mallet to rap on the cap while fork is compressed (have a helper hold a block of wood on the cap and use a heavy hammer if no dead blow available). This will use the oil (hydraulic pressure) to expel the seal. You may need to add oil (use any oil) if the seal has let most of the fork oil out.
If the seal is so bad that it won't hold any pressure you can pry it out with ..guess what? A seal removal tool.
The seal CAN come out without disassembly. It's pretty standard practice in shops to do it suchlike:
Remove the entire fork leg...remove the spring cap and spring, replace the spring cap. DO NOT drain the oil. Remove the seal retaining ring. Wrap a rag around the inner and outer fork tube. Put the axle end of the leg on a two by four on the floor...compress the forks as far as possible. Use a heavy dead blow mallet to rap on the cap while fork is compressed (have a helper hold a block of wood on the cap and use a heavy hammer if no dead blow available). This will use the oil (hydraulic pressure) to expel the seal. You may need to add oil (use any oil) if the seal has let most of the fork oil out.
If the seal is so bad that it won't hold any pressure you can pry it out with ..guess what? A seal removal tool.

“A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools.”-Douglas Adams
“A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools.”-Douglas Adams
Re: Fork seal
Thank you, I will try the las response and let y'all know how it goes.