shift light and gear indicator light

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shift light and gear indicator light

Post by tclayton9 »

I need some help finding out how to set these up. I've seen post done in the past on other sites but none were that helpful. I know the shift light is the easiest and the gear indicator light is a chore but can someone give me the parts I need and how to wire them up. I would greatly appreciate it.
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Re: shift light and gear indicator light

Post by Rooster »

Are you looking for someone to point you in the right direction as to where to find the parts or are you hoping there are free ones out there floating around? :)
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Re: shift light and gear indicator light

Post by tclayton9 »

tell me where to find the parts and how to wire them up. I'm sorry for the mishaps
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Re: shift light and gear indicator light

Post by DonTZ125 »

What brand of which did you have in mind? I can't think of any gear indicators made for the FZR off the top of my head. Some shift lights are pretty basic, some are more elaborate.
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Re: shift light and gear indicator light

Post by tclayton9 »

any kind a shift light that has a decent price. and are there any gear indicators from other bikes that will work?
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Re: shift light and gear indicator light

Post by ragedigital »

You have 2 different types of Gear Position Indicators out there. Some simply take a reading from the Gear Position Switch that is on the motorcycle while other do some calculations based on Speed and RPMs. Obviously, the ones that have to do some calculations are not as accurate as the other type.

There was a guy who made Gear Position Displays for the FZR. He made a custom Gear Position Switch for the FZR, then read from there. He is no longer making them unfortunately...

If you can properly fit a Suzuki Gear Position Switch onto your FZR, then I know a guy who makes them that would work. I know him really well...

Ok, it's me. I have been making them for a couple years now ::

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Re: shift light and gear indicator light

Post by VanceW »

I'm not sure where I saw it at (here or the archives) but there was a post of someone wanting to make one after seeing a write up of someone making one for the yzf 600. I have no indication that this will work or not as I never saw an answer to if it could be done on the fzr.

But the yzf and fzr motors are very similar, are they not? So maybe it would work. I was going to try it at work this week but I just found out this job is finished in 5 days not another 2 months as my boat has a job to do. Guess I'll try it at home sometime unless someone knows it will not work.

Under the sprocket cover is the neutral light switch that is a plastic oblong oval. The basics of what I read are that when the bike is in neutral a shift fork (or something) gets close enough to this plastic oval to complete a (ground?) Circuit. And (atleast on the yzf) in every other gear another shift fork (or something) gets close enough just in another spot to complete another circuit (if it was there, but its not when on stock bikes).

So the basics were to remove this white plastic oval and trace out a copy on clear plastic to make a template you can see through. Supposedly (on the yzf) you can drill the mounting holes on the template and mount it to the bike and when in neutral you should be able to see where something touches the template. Then again in first gear it touches another spot. Mark where it touches and what gear it is for gears 1-6. Return the temperate to the real one and carefully drill holes into it (or make a second template the same size and thickness if you dont want to ruin the original neutral switch) that a screw (just like on the original) will fit into at the points of contact.

Once you have the holes in the right spots (on the original or the "duplicate") make a circuit of indicator lights that coordinate with the contact points on the switch. Look at the original and see that the screw comes out flush or barely protruding (I've never looked) wire up the lights and test that they make contact and dont hinder any movement. Once all is correct and working, locktite or superglue the screws in place, route the wiring similar to the original neutral switch and supposedly you just made a great indicator.

I remember seeing a post of someone wanting to do this (rather asking if it could be done on the fzr) with a link to a write up of what I just tried to generalize from one if the yzf websites. But I never saw an answer as to if this would work on the fzr motor.

I would love to see if this works or not but I won't be able to in the next few weeks. Anyone have any insight?
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Re: shift light and gear indicator light

Post by ragedigital »

I would like to see what is under the FZR NEUTRAL SWITCH if someone can take a picture and post it. If it has a similar set-up to the Suzuki models, then it might be fairly easy to do.

Here is what the Suzuki looks like under their Gear Position Switch and I also posted a picture of the switch itself (don't mind the text) ::


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Re: shift light and gear indicator light

Post by VanceW »

Like I tried to explain. I, myself, have never seen behind it either or taken it off. Just saw a post asking if a link would work with the fzr and the link was a DIY GPS for the yzf 600 motor. I looked at the DIY and saw pictures then went out to a dead motor to examine and the neutral switch looked the sane as the fzr and had hopes that behind it was similar. It said a slight amount if oil may come out if its on the side stand and you remove it. If I have time at work tonight I'll try and remove the switch on the fzr and take a look/pic to see if its plausible.

But that picture of the switch you posted looks very similar to the outcome of what youre trying to make. The points were kind of in a circle pattern like that but the cheap route was to take screws you can attach (loop around or buy the right connector to put the screw through) that something behind it makes slight contact with to complete the circuit and tell you what gear youre in.

I like the display you have that states a number, the how to just used various lights and you had to label them or differentiate the color illuminated to tell what gear youre in.
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Re: shift light and gear indicator light

Post by DonTZ125 »

$5 Gear Indicator

Both the YZF600 and the FZR600 use the same neutral switch, so, yes - it will work.
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Re: shift light and gear indicator light

Post by tclayton9 »

Thanks guys :tks: that was a lot of important info. you guys are life savers. Now that the gear indicator is out of the way, how would I do the shift light. I know It has something to do with the tacometer. Do I just wire it straight to the wire that controls the rev limiter or something
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Re: shift light and gear indicator light

Post by VanceW »

I appreciate the input don.

I just looked at it and it will work. I cannot upload pics here, only on the archives. But its the same principals as what you, darrin, have for the suzuki but just a cheap homemade version. I'm sure you could mass produce them as theres plenty of fzrs still out there, just don't know what kind of market there is.

But the little ball on the outside rotates around to different spots during different gears. Make a connection point with a screw to your wiring and it will tell you what gear youre in. on mine I just removed I can actually see the path it travels on the switch and places that it stops. May not even have to make a template as I have a bad motor so I have an extra switch.

Maybe in the next couple of days I'll give this a go at work. I have a lot of standby time on my 12hr shifts so I should be able to make it and hook it up in a night after I gather parts. But I'll probably just make a template and slowly gather parts for this project.
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Re: shift light and gear indicator light

Post by VanceW »

Now for the part I'm really interested in.

where can I buy one of those display units that reads 1-6. Not sure I have the know how to hook it up, its just alot better looking in my opinion. I'd love to know how to get a hold of the display unit so I can try and figure it out and do some research on it.
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Re: shift light and gear indicator light

Post by ragedigital »

FYI :: The Suzuki Gear Position Switch has resistors inside of it. So, essentially, each gear gives off a different voltage depending on what gear it's in.

The Gear Position Display that I make is very similar to a Multimeter. My unit measures the voltage and then instead of sending a voltage reading to the display, it converts it into a number.

My display has several options :: brightness control, upside down display, neutral options, etc...

The problem is that the FZR hasn't been made for over 10 years and the market is very small. I will certainly work with someone if they want to try and build one.

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Re: shift light and gear indicator light

Post by ragedigital »

It's actually pretty funny, but the Suzuki Gear Position Switch will fit inside of the Yamaha NEUTRAL switch plate - just have to mill out the center of the Yamaha piece.

I have a friend with a FZ6. I will go over and take his bike apart to see if it's similar. If so, we may have a way to make it work fairly easily...

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