Security System for bikes?

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Security System for bikes?

Post by Onryou »

Well, I'm start a new semester at GMU soon and want to make sure my bike is not tampered with.
So anyone know of or recommend an efficient SS for bikes?


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Re: Security System for bikes?

Post by Dr Rockso »

hey man , you're right up the street from me . one of my friends made his own security system back in the day , he took thin guage wire and sewed it thru his handgrips , and then connected it to a big capacitor , had a switch under the seat to turn it on and off . if it was on and you tried to hold the handgrips you got a hearty dose of 75,000 volts ....needless to say that bike was never stolen . but i hear lojack is nice .
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Re: Security System for bikes?

Post by sweekster »

I've never installed one on a bike a friend of mine has Scorpio 2 way FM alarms on both his 2003 Honda Goldwing and his 2007 Kawasaki ZX-14 and loves them. You could always get a disk lock as well.
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Re: Security System for bikes?

Post by Onryou »

Yeah, I was looking into disc locks earlier this week. The thing is... if someone was super dedicated and planned to take my bike, it would take two people to lift my 400 onto a truck lol. I remember awhile ago when I bought the bike, I just lifted it with my friend in the middle of a thunderstorm, and I'm not a big guy. But yeah, I think I'll double up with a lock and some kind of alarm detection thingy mabobber. Checking out the Scorpio 2 today, anymore suggestions would be helpful!

Oh, I haven't seen your bike around fairfax yet. It would be nice to see something else that doesn't look like an insect.

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Re: Security System for bikes?

Post by Fartblood »

Take it fromt a copper...disc locks are no deterrent. the thievingscum will drag the bike round the corner, and smash the disc with a hammer. A good alarm/immobilser combo with a hi quality lock or shackle is the minimum.
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Re: Security System for bikes?

Post by demon_knight69 »

there are some cheap alarms out there for bikes in the sub $200 range. i know i saw some on ebay for $50, i thought kingcobra was going to pick one up, not sure if he ever did.

anyways, my buddy has a real nice scorpio setup on his r1. i actually took the bike to have the alarm put in, i think it was around $380-ish. but its got immobilizer, the 2-way page feature, tilt sensor, etc. so basically if anyone so much as touches the bike you can see exactly what is going on with the remote. really cool device, but very pricey.
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Re: Security System for bikes?

Post by Fizzinatorr »

Xena Disc lock and Alarm

bike hasn't been stolen yet (had it on 4 bikes so far) and there's no way you can forget about the disc lock, alarm goes off at the slightest movement
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Re: Security System for bikes?

Post by billy_awesome »

Just the other day a 07 r6 was stolen in my town, scorpion alarm and all. Alarms don't do anything if they are pro bike thieves...

Disc locks, and if you care enough about your bike, get theft on your insurance.....
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Re: Security System for bikes?

Post by ShogunTX »

Dr Rockso wrote:hey man , you're right up the street from me . one of my friends made his own security system back in the day , he took thin guage wire and sewed it thru his handgrips , and then connected it to a big capacitor , had a switch under the seat to turn it on and off . if it was on and you tried to hold the handgrips you got a hearty dose of 75,000 volts ....needless to say that bike was never stolen . but i hear lojack is nice .
I had a friend in high school do something like that with his subwoofer enclosure. He had to strips on the back hooked up to a mercury switch. When you went to grab the box WHAM the minute it shifted you would recieve a nice shock.
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Re: Security System for bikes?

Post by YAM93 »

Going to Mason huh...had a friend that went there, don't know much about it.

Knowing people around this area.......honestly....... it's a crap-shoot. It might be cheaper to find some really beat-to-death 400 fairings, make them look even worse with some horrifying paint job, and slap them on for the semester or year or whatever. That's the best deterrent, make your bike look like total crap. People don't look much further than that. They'll see it next to a newer Kawi ZX-6RR and steal that instead, or destroy it trying. That said, get a disc lock anyway. I've used mine forever, and nobody has messed with the bike, but then again it's not the prettiest bike in the world either.

Honestly I'm not sure you have a lot to worry about, it's not like Baltimore, that city is the Capital of Thieves.

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Re: Security System for bikes?

Post by Fartblood »

billy_awesome wrote:Alarms don't do anything if they are pro bike thieves...
A high quality alarm with proximity detectors and pager/SMS functions will alert you before the scum even touch the bike. Even the the most competent pros will have bodies that will be detected.

Alarm - provides noise which you'll hear (if you're close enough, or if it's a pager system) or which others might hear.

Immobilisers - make the bike difficult to start but do nothing to stop their removal.

Physical security - Makes the bike difficult to remove the the first place.

A good security approach will encompass elements of all the above. I spent 4 years working on a vehicle crime unit and, trust me, discklocks are useful as paperweights only. A thief, even a fairly ameteur one, will have it off with one strike of a hammer...thats less than 2 seconds work! A good lock or shackle will buy you a lot more than 2 seconds for a smiliar price.
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