I sold my Fizz after I went into the AF back in 2008, 6 months ago, I re-bought it...actually from the guy I sold it to, LOL! She's all mine again...but had gotten new fork seals, new tires, new plugs/wires and a couple other things I can't quite remember-he had a list for me when I picked it up!

WELL, shortly after buying it, I discovered the battery was bad-wouldn't start very well and would slowly die after trying to start her. Then it just got to the point where she just didn't even try to light up. (The battery was the one I had put in it like 6 years ago!) Finances were close to non existant and I needed my cage fixed first, so it got put off. Sorry guys, yes, she sat from about January until now in the garage!) I went out and got a new battery, filled it, installed it, let it charge for about an hour and a half.....
NO START. (FP is priming, she is turning over, just no start)
No biggie, the fuel was ancient-so I replaced 90% of the fuel with fresh fuel.
After a few strong attempts with the choke partially open, she fired up, BUT, sounds like she is running off only 2 cylinders! After about 5 minutes of super crappy idling at 1k RPM(idle screw did nothing BTW) I put her in gear, she immediately shut off-no lights, no nothing. Turned the key off then back on and the neutral light & headlights very weakly illuminated, but no juice to start.

The plan is to leave the new battery charging off of the cage overnight, then in the morning putting some Seafoam in the tank, and trying to start and run her again.....any suggestions of what else may be going on?? If it starts still sounding like a twin cylinder, I will make note to feel each header to confirm the lack of cylinders-which if I'm missing then at least I know it's probably plugs which could have been fouled out by starting her with yucky fuel!) Any other suggestions are greatly appreciated!

I FEAR my poor bikes electrical system as I HATE HATE HATE electrical problems...my fear was established when I had to weed through ALL of it several years ago before discovering my VR was bad-so I did the conversion and all was good after lots of dollars, time, and confusion.....