The bike won't move!

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The bike won't move!

Post by aleck002 »

I am determined to get this thing running!

My latest issue I originally thought to be a slipping clutch, the bike runs and revs fine but would require very high revs for it to move.

So I bought a set of friction plates and a set of steels figured I'd swap the whole thing. Completed the swap and now I can drop the clutch while in gear and hardly hit a single mph?!

Now I'm at a loss with this I replaced the clutch with the same amount of friction plates but applied an additional steel plate first and last, still in keeping with the friction plate, steel, friction plate set up. This was because I noticed a gap between the plates and the final part of the basket while the clutch was out?

Any ideas? You may notice I am a bit of a novice with these things so pick me up on anything I've done wrong!


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Re: The bike won't move!

Post by willandrip »

Clutch pushrod operation seems suspect .
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Re: The bike won't move!

Post by DonTZ125 »

aleck002 wrote:This was because I noticed a gap between the plates and the final part of the basket while the clutch was out?
Take the extra plate out, then properly align the pressure plate and basket. The pressure plate goes on 5 different ways, but only one of which is correct, and will often stand visibly proud of the clutch plates when misaligned. There is a dot and a triangle on the PP and basket; I forget which has which. These have to line up.

Once you've done that, do what W&R suggested and adjust your clutch mechanism at the sprocket cover.
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