So I dug my 1989 FR400 out of long term storage a couple weeks ago. I was sick and tired of not being able to mount the ECU far enough back under the seat as I wanted, and having to run the front part of the wiring harness between the middle of the carbs.
I am done with most of the wiring, thinking about moving the VR. I'm not sure about the main part of the harness because it sticks out, thinking it needs to be hidden better. ECU and the other electrical stuff are all just mounted on a piece of sheet metal, the other small bits are held down with sheet metal tabs that are secured to the main plate. It works, but it kind of seems janky. I think a similar idea using carbon fiber might be better. Don't mind the dirtiness

After hacking up the wiring harness and putting it back together I test it out today. I was kind of worried it was going to have a short or broken wire, but as soon as I hooked up a battery and everything seems to power up without any blown fuses. Flipped the run switch to on and hit the starter, turned over without any problems. I filled up the cooling system and ran some new gas through the carbs and it fired right up (with a little starting fluid). Running kind of rough and didn't want to idle, but that is about what I figured after sitting around for so long. Got a quick video, wasn't running much of an exhaust. ... 21_832.mp4

Currently working on getting the YZF600 fairings mounted up, then after that I need to get them fixed. All good though Bmiller gave me a good deal on them. Main stay got welded a few days ago to address the fact that YZF600 mounts are a little offset. Radiator house is interfering with the left side, but I think I can get it moved with out too much hassle.

I still have a bunch of work to do but, I think I might have it all done before summer is completely over.
Hopefully my buddy Dean will help me get this in as well