Speedometer needle broke. Is it repairable?

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Speedometer needle broke. Is it repairable?

Post by Harrysf707 »

So, I was riding with a buddy today and came across a bunch of potholes. I dodged almost all of them except some really small ones. It was really bumpy and the speedometer needle was bouncing like crazy. It would fluctuate from 40mph to 60mph continuously. Well, after going through that patch of crappy road, I looked down at my gauge cluster and noticed this. :yikes:


Since the top part of the needle is still inside the gauge cluster, can I just simply glue the needle back on? will it affect the accuracy of the speedometer if I put glue on it, since it would add more weight?

1993 FZR 600 w/ 92' front fairing swap, 520 conversion, Yoshimura R&D Exhaust, RaceTech springs.
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Re: Speedometer needle broke. Is it repairable?

Post by Thedude055 »

I had the same thing happen to my old speedo before I got an aftermarket one. I was able to glue it back with epoxy and take two a small wire and have it run beside the stem. Then I put a piece of heat shrink tubing over it. The reason I did all of this was because I tried gluing it and it just fell off again. I did not notice the speed being off by much after doing this but did not check how accurate it was.
1993 FZR600 streetfighter (because all of the fairings were destroyed when I got it)
Picture is of the bike as i got It. I will get new ones on here when i am done.
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Re: Speedometer needle broke. Is it repairable?

Post by Harrysf707 »

Ok, cool thanks!
1993 FZR 600 w/ 92' front fairing swap, 520 conversion, Yoshimura R&D Exhaust, RaceTech springs.
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