How do i get at plugs? Newbie

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How do i get at plugs? Newbie

Post by coops »

Got my new 89 1000 and only seems too be running on 2 cylinders. other two pipes are cold. 1-3 are running so cant be a coil.
Im trying too get at the plugs. Removed tank, no way in. Looks like il have too drain and remove radiater?? Is this the best way? And is it OK too crank the engine with no coolant? (if this is the best way)
Im actually a bit embarrased ask how too remove the plugs! lol Noob
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Re: How do i get at plugs? Newbie

Post by reelrazor »

No need to drain.

Just undo the bolts that attach the radiator to the frame and it will sit forward on the front fender


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Re: How do i get at plugs? Newbie

Post by Stig »

unbolt the coil tray and lift it up out the can then get in from the back with the gen Yamaha tool kit plug spanner ....or a suitable sized box spanner and a ratchet spanner on the other end. The bike runs a lost spark set up so it may be a faulty coil...try swapping over the leads left to righ and see if the problem follows the coils before taking the plugs out

Also if the bikes been stood for a long time it could just be fouled up. mine takes ages to fire and then I have to slowly build up the revs by blipping it...this in turn eventually brings the rest of the cylinders into life...all be it with a lot of coughing and farting and black smoke. once it clears it'll run fine til next time I lay it up
If its not broken it dont need fixing
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Re: How do i get at plugs? Newbie

Post by coops »

Thanks for the reply.
I went in through the front (before i read this) Drained radiator.
All good. Needed doing anyways.
Turns out the plugs were fine. Fowled carbs are the culpret. all three jets totally blocked on #2 cylinder.
Cheers, Coops.
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