5678 & counting

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5678 & counting

Post by yamaha_george »

Hi ,
well being Idle (nothing new there of late) I noticed that this post is number 5678 of mine since I joined the board way back on 28 May 2008.

Since i considered this to be worth while I donated and have done so every year since then on or about my joining date.

DONATIONS are important we all take what we read here learn here for granted.
The members here all add to that store house of knowledge in posts & the WIKI BUT the site does cost money to keep it out here.

The owner is a nice guy but i doubt he is a Millionaire and able to fund this site indefinitely, that is where WE THE MEMBERS come in, yeh times are tough all over the world and our "hobby" seems to get more and more expensive but supposing there was no FZRONLINE suddenly the bike is costly door stop or boat anchor.

The site owner may get mad at me (nothing new there either) but before Christmas & thanks giving empty our wallets think of donating a little sum to FZRONLINE to keep it here

On all of the members behalf THANKS BOSS for getting the site started and sharing.

PS:- If you have a PayPal account it takes less than a minute to donat,e so go here:-

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Re: 5678 & counting

Post by ragedigital »

This is a very important site to a lot of people. There are those who have owned FZRs/YZFs, those who currently own them and those yet who will own them.

A Service Manual is a great thing, but for practical information and advice from people who literally have torn their bikes down to the smallest parts, this is a place of great help.

I certainly appreciate YG and how he has been a great asset to this site and his passion for keeping the information stored for current and future generations of FZR/YZF riders. Unfortunately, YG has come under illness and isn't always able to help us all the time. Nonetheless, I know of no one who has the expertise that he has and lucky for us, a lot of that is captured on this site.

I have made a pledge to keep this site going and make the information available and free to all. Granted, there are some that literally cannot spare a dime to help the site. But there are those who are willing to give up more than usual to help a great resource remain alive and "advertisement free".

Thanks to you all!

Thanks for joining and participating in the most "active" FZR Community on the internet!
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Re: 5678 & counting

Post by yamaha_george »

As you say i have been very ill but am now on the mend.

Before that illness i always thought my work would go on, then I found i could not share my knowledge in real time.

I am glad of places like this site as my efforts of the past are recorded and will hopefully out live me and be of use to others to learn from / by.

All of us think we are immortal but the truth is we are not, unless we pass on our life skills why the heck did we ever live for?

I lost my son very early on in both our lives and only have daughters remaining yet I still show them the basic skills of DIY simply because the younger guys do not appear to have any "hands on experience" of doing any practical skills "man stuff" so they have to get their heads round the house hold repairs.

I know my wife Camala can fix a bike (yes Nik, she told me about the loose chain <BG> ) & she can handle stuff when i am gone.

As to the rest of our readers , add to the knowledge & please ensure your tips carry on long after you leave keep the donations coming OR do as I do remember the day you joined and donate as a celebration of your life and what you have accomplished .
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