One for Y-Geo,DonTZ and other electro Wizards

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One for Y-Geo,DonTZ and other electro Wizards

Post by Nik »

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Nik H.
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Re: One for Y-Geo,DonTZ and other electro Wizards

Post by Nunya_Binnez »

That's really bada$$!

If I only had the time to teach myself...the things I could make.


1993 FZR600 (Currently doing a frame-off buildup)
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Re: One for Y-Geo,DonTZ and other electro Wizards

Post by ragedigital »

Nunya_Binnez wrote:If I only had the time to teach myself...the things I could make.
I've heard that the Arduino is pretty easy to learn. There is an initial cost investment though.

I went the road of the Microchip PIC, which is more difficult to pick (no pun intended) up and learn right away since most examples are in Assembly Language. However; they do offer C and BASIC language compilers for a price.

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Re: One for Y-Geo,DonTZ and other electro Wizards

Post by Nunya_Binnez »

ragedigital wrote:I've heard that the Arduino is pretty easy to learn. There is an initial cost investment though.

I went the road of the Microchip PIC, which is more difficult to pick (no pun intended) up and learn right away since most examples are in Assembly Language. However; they do offer C and BASIC language compilers for a price.

The funny thing is that you are talking WAY over my head. I have to start at the very beginning. I think I could probably solder. :mrgreen:

1993 FZR600 (Currently doing a frame-off buildup)
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Re: One for Y-Geo,DonTZ and other electro Wizards

Post by ragedigital »

Nunya_Binnez wrote:The funny thing is that you are talking WAY over my head. I have to start at the very beginning. I think I could probably solder. :mrgreen:

I had to start from scratch as well. Starting with lighting one LED to starting a company* selling products that use a Microchip PIC.

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Re: One for Y-Geo,DonTZ and other electro Wizards

Post by DonTZ125 »

The odd ways the brain works ... I just had the idea for a 3-LED mini-tach. The idle speed for a 250 is 1600, but the tach doesn't start til 3k - kinda hard to set. The idea is lights that come on at 1500, 1600, and 1700 rpm; if you see two lights, your idle is set.

At what speed do the 400, 600, and 1k tachs start?
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