fzr600 clutch wont disengage

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fzr600 clutch wont disengage

Post by hathaway16 »

first off id like to say hello to everyone as i am obviously new here... i bought a 93 fzr600 the other day as my first bike(im so excited!!) i bought it with the clutch taken off due to failure of clutch basket as i later found out... got it home cleaned everything and put a used clutch the guy had in it with like 3k on it, the bike only has 7k miles BTW. i got it running and the clutch wont disengage. i googled it and found a post on this forum about clutch adjustment, i adjusted it with no luck, even over adjusted it to see if i could get it to go into gear but it still just dies on me. does anyone know what could be the cause? it seems like the discs are sticking, i soaked them in 15w50 for 24 hours and did research and found a bunch of people using 15w50 mobil1 in there bikes with no problems and i hope i dont have to pull this back apart, any help would be greatly appreciated.
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Re: fzr600 clutch wont disengage

Post by hathaway16 »

ok so i decided to get the back tire off the ground and see whats going on with it, when i put it into gear it seems to just die not even stall but just die, tire doesn't spin at all, did i buy a bike that has some serious internal problems? i think my next step is to try and pop start it but i would really like some advice on what is going on, thanks
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Re: fzr600 clutch wont disengage

Post by hathaway16 »

ok now i feel really dumb... i bet anyone here can guess what my problem was.. only thing now is i have a possible cylinder down, i spray brakleen in each cylinder and 1,3and 4 all rev up but 2 does nothing... does anyone have any ideas what could be the cause? im about to do a compression test and i tested spark with another plug i had and it got spark, im hoping i have a bad plug
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Re: fzr600 clutch wont disengage

Post by hathaway16 »

could not do compression test but for some reason after running for a while cylinder 3 and 4 are not as hot as 1 and 2, i believe i got some sort of issue with a coil or maybe my carbs aren't clean enough, i pulled them apart and all of the pilot lets got broken off and im pretty sure there dirty as the bike sat for a while, any advice for that? im going to start putting the bike back together and study for my permit test :)
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Re: fzr600 clutch wont disengage

Post by Nik »

hathaway16 wrote:first off id like to say hello to everyone as i am obviously new here... i bought a 93 fzr600 the other day as my first bike(im so excited!!) i bought it with the clutch taken off due to failure of clutch basket as i later found out... got it home cleaned everything and put a used clutch the guy had in it with like 3k on it, the bike only has 7k miles BTW. i got it running and the clutch wont disengage. i googled it and found a post on this forum about clutch adjustment, i adjusted it with no luck, even over adjusted it to see if i could get it to go into gear but it still just dies on me. does anyone know what could be the cause? it seems like the discs are sticking, i soaked them in 15w50 for 24 hours and did research and found a bunch of people using 15w50 mobil1 in there bikes with no problems and i hope i dont have to pull this back apart, any help would be greatly appreciated.
Ok are you sure you put all the push rod bits that lever the clutch open in place.
The easiest thing to miss is the tiny ball bearing , without that you can adjust as much as you like but the clutch will never work as it should.
As for your firing replace ALL the plugs so you have a clean set up to work from.
The WIKI has endless stuff on carb cleaning static balancing and dynamic balancing together with a HOW to make your own dynamic balancing (synching tool).

If any jets are graunched replace them they are not expensive the slightest bit of dented metal will stop the correct flow of fuel.
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Re: fzr600 clutch wont disengage

Post by janner »

Sounds a bit simple but are you sure you are not engaging gear with the side stand down?
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Re: fzr600 clutch wont disengage

Post by taggy »

i recon side stand switch as well! you could have a rubbish plug or broken ht lead if it's only one cylinder.
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Re: fzr600 clutch wont disengage

Post by hathaway16 »

@nik... i got the clutch going, it was the kickstand as i said earlier i felt dumb when i found out what it was... and the pilot jets are broken, when i tried to remove them the broke so i have no clue how to get them out and dont feel like buying a new set of carbs for 100+ dollars

@taggy... it was the side stand and plugs were replaced befor i bought the bike but i will buy some more just in case, and whats an ht lead?

when i first started the bike it was cold on center 2 cylinders but after reving it a bit and letting it warm up i found the number 3 and 4 were cold, but again brakeleen revs up cylinders 1, 3, and 4 but does nothing to 2 and if i spray allot in 2 the engine dies as does the same thing if i over spray any cylinder so it seems to be getting some kinda spark or something and im just hoping that it doesn't have low compression, will low compression cause that much off a miss?
i should be putting it on the road soon and does anyone have any tips for getting the pilots out or know a good cleaner to put in gas? i personally dont like putting additives in but i have no choice
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Re: fzr600 clutch wont disengage

Post by taggy »

sorry, HT lead is the cable that goes from the coil to the plug cap, if it is damaged you wont get spark. you could try an 'easy out'/ screw remover on the jets if you are very careful,
something like this:http://www.acehardware.com/product/inde ... Id=2967894
they might come, a bit of heat around the jet might help if you are careful. Obviously clean all petrol remnants first!
The leads push fit i believe so it might be worth giving them a good push to check they are connected properly.
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Re: fzr600 clutch wont disengage

Post by hathaway16 »

ok i will have to try it, and i think most of my problem was the carbs because i ran it for a while and was snapping the throttle allot and i have started to get quite the rpm span back, the cylinder has spark, but im not sure if its faint or not, im going to pull all plugs and wires and test all spark at the same time and double check plug gap, what is the gap o this bike?
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Re: fzr600 clutch wont disengage

Post by yamarossi46 »

Saludos. Bueno, si revisa que todos los cilindros tienen chispa, ok. En mi Yam, hay problemas con el interruptor de la pata de stand y el interruptor del embrague. Yo tengo una Kawa gpx y después de mucho tiempo de no usarla, usé aditivo Wynns´s en la gasolina y se nota más suave. por si puede ayudarle.
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Re: fzr600 clutch wont disengage

Post by kilika2 »

Plug gap is .28-.3. On a 600. I recommend ngk cr9e.

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Re: fzr600 clutch wont disengage

Post by hathaway16 »

kilika2 wrote:Plug gap is .28-.3. On a 600. I recommend ngk cr9e.

those are the plugs i have, i will double check gap later
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Re: fzr600 clutch wont disengage

Post by hathaway16 »

i put the bike on the road and cleaned carbs better by pulling the whole unit that holds the jets out, and it runs a ton better, got to ride it first time with my friend and its amazing but he noticed the front fork seal is leaking and says its a huge deal and cost him almost 1000 dollars to have the seals replaced on his girlfriends r6. does anyone know about doing this and if its possible to do them myself? im pretty mechanically inclined also
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Re: fzr600 clutch wont disengage

Post by DonTZ125 »

If he paid around $1k for fork seals, they either saw him coming, he got the $1k from his gf and pocketed the extra $700, or he pretzeled the forks going to the shop and didn't tell her.

USD forks are easy, standards take a little more effort, but still aren't hard.
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