JUST GOT FZ400R 1986 - new guy

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JUST GOT FZ400R 1986 - new guy

Post by fz400ruk »


just got a fz400r 1986

any info welcome as i know nothing.

are they the same as fz600 for bits ie tank etc or diff size?
what sort of bhp are they stock.
looking at ebay bits seem rare, how do i get stuff
tyre choice?

any thing else you can think to increase my knowledge i know nothing as purchased it on a bit of a whim (bloody ebay)


http://www.motorcyclespecs.co.za/Galler ... 20%201.jpg
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Re: JUST GOT FZ400R 1986 - new guy

Post by taggy »

its probably the genesis model if it's 86. (does it have 'ram air' tubes, if not it is a genesis)they are different from the other more common 3en1 and 2's. Some bits might be tranferrable so it'd be a case of put up a pic and see if anyone can match it. ive got a load of 3en1 bits lying around.
You might have got lucky and got a 2tk which has the adjustable suspension. the tank i think is a specific item as it has a wierd mounting to the frame. though i may be wrong. brand new it may have reached 60bhp but around 50 now would be good going i recon. not sure what diameter the forks are but there is a chance the 600 front end might drop in complete.
Tyres are 110 up front and 140/18 i think at the rear. (poss 150) tyres are limited to bt090/092 if you can find them or the dunlop alpha10 for decent grip, there are others but you would need to search!
you can try wemoto for bits, or failing that Fowlers in Bristol, they will want a frame no before they deal with you and are pretty expensive! where bouts ar you in the uk?
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Re: JUST GOT FZ400R 1986 - new guy

Post by crowe »

with any bike of this vintage there will be signs of previous owner bodgery so go careful. wemoto is a great source of new pattern parts but ebay (it appears you dabble with the site) of all nationalities is the way forward. there is a wealth of really decent second hand parts and upgrades out there. you will need to be patient though and look forward to doing a little bit of banghead

best thing you can ever do though is do your homework and ask questions. the guys on here have pointed me in the right direction on more than one occaision now.

no question to daft (well, almost) :whistle
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Re: JUST GOT FZ400R 1986 - new guy

Post by DonTZ125 »

FZ - my understanding is that the FZ600 was the FJ600 engine in the FZ400 chassis; make of that what you will. Parts fiches for the 600 can readily be found online; if you can locate info for the 400, you'll be doing well.

Taggy - the FZ400R & FZR400 are completely different machines.
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Re: JUST GOT FZ400R 1986 - new guy

Post by taggy »

hehe, must learn to read properly!i read it wrong! i'm fully aware they are different! ignore everything i said!
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Re: JUST GOT FZ400R 1986 - new guy

Post by taggy »

although, there was a rumour that the 400 engine was just a sleeved down version of the 600 motor.
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Re: JUST GOT FZ400R 1986 - new guy

Post by DonTZ125 »

Doubt it - FZ400 was liquid cooled, FZ600 was air cooled.
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Re: JUST GOT FZ400R 1986 - new guy

Post by taggy »

just a rumour then! or was i srx... cant remember,must pay more attention! :duh:
Last edited by taggy on Wed Mar 21, 2012 3:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: JUST GOT FZ400R 1986 - new guy

Post by fz400ruk »

http://www.motorcyclespecs.co.za/Galler ... R%2084.jpg

it looks like this but a lot more ropey
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Re: JUST GOT FZ400R 1986 - new guy

Post by taggy »

sell it and buy and fzr! I know of a decent 3tj with a bit of a cam chain rattle that's going up for sale soon! ;-)
on a more serious note though, fowlers and wemoto may still be able to help with bits for it, dk motorcycles may have some second hand parts for it as well.
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Re: JUST GOT FZ400R 1986 - new guy

Post by reelrazor »

Hey, the air coolers are pretty cool. Likely a bit more rare(now) than the later FZR...

Kinda small block chevy-ish in its' adaptability to modifications...

They sound badass with a pods, cam and a period (race only then) D&D header. There was an aftermarket cool air scoop that sat on each side of the frame right by your knees that truly made a difference


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