how is an FZR like an apocalypse plan?

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how is an FZR like an apocalypse plan?

Post by _Will_ »

it's always good to have one around :headbang:

mine sat for months dealing with cold days and school deadline and I was able to start it without a jump or touching the carbs, riding out.

my impala wouldn't start this morning but after sitting for weeks since the last ride once again the fzr started and got me to school for a mid term.

these bikes are pretty darn impressive , despite their quirks
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Re: how is an FZR like an apocalypse plan?

Post by olie05 »

True. I haven't had to touch the carbs in my 3 years of owning the bike, except for a small tweak I made based on some wideband feedback.

It has only left me stranded when I got brave and decided to run past my normal 160 mile fillup mileage. In other words, user error not bike error! bonkonhead
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Re: how is an FZR like an apocalypse plan?

Post by crowe »

Mine has never let me down in 15K miles!!!!

certainly can't grumble!
1994 FZR1000EXUP RU
1994 VFR750FR
1998 GSXR600SRAD
1988 CBR600
2001 FAZER600
2001 HORNET 600
1987 VFR400Z (NC21)
1998 TZR125
1987 RD125LC MK2
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