1. Bike lurches and jerks in low gears at low RPM. If I am going through a reduced speedzone in town (around 35-45 mph), it "feels" and sounds much smoother to be in a lower gear constantly accelerating (raising RPM) to maintain desired speed rather than being in the next higher gear coasting at the same speed but in a lower RPM range. I hope that makes sense, if not feel free to ask for better explanation. Basically, any lower gear being used at under 5k RPM is less enjoyable, clanky and jerky causing me to prefer riding around with the engine constantly screaming like "one of those guys". It just doesn't feel right. It also makes a rhythmic "whirring" noise especially at low speed ONLY under throttle (if the chain isn't moving, noise gradually subsides). It feels like there is a correlation with the noise and the jerkiness in lower gears, and in higher gears/speeds the jerking lessens A LOT and noise is still slightly present although at a higher pitch and faster speed. When I tightened my chain for the first time, I noted a decent "tight spot" in a small area of the chain, and found a single kinked link that I could bend straight by hand, but returns to kinked position after a ride irregardless. Haven't looked at front sproket yet (don't flame me for this. Honestly haven't had the time in between researching and fixing everything else haha), but rear sprocket is starting to get worn SOME.
MY SOLUTION: Replace the chain and sprockets. It's definetly in need of a chain right, why not change the sprokets to? Researching a 520 conversion, but am undecided and will do a seperate thread on that. I figured that replacing the chain and sprockets and watching them both wear from new would help my observation skills in the future, plus it's what most seem to recommend on here as well.
2. Rear brake has a slow fluid leak. Just noticed this a few days ago actually, or I would of already fixed it. Traced the line from the calipers back to the container you check the level for the rear brake fluid under the seat after having to refill for the second time in a month. I had been using the back brakes a lot when I first began learning and thought that maybe using them less would slow the leak, but I don't think that it's mattered either way. Since filling to proper level a month ago, I am now noticing the clean brake fluid slowly collecting on top of the fender directly underneath the container. Not tons of fluid, but enough that when the bike is kick standed, it will drip a drop or two from being leaned. Its not getting on any paint that I've noticed yet and I hope that it's not coming out and going under my tire while riding. Needs to be fixed either way. Only other observations were that the inner plastic ring that sits underneath the cap isnt connected to the cap and I am not seeing any rubber seals. I DO NOT see any fluid running down the actual line AT ALL leading me to believe it is coming out from under the cap.
MY SOLUTION: Pretty simple, start with replacing the cap or inner cap/ seal. While I am at it, unbolt the cylinder and inspect the bottom where the line connects and make sure it's not coming from there. After refilling, pump the back brakes and see if it is spurting out anywhere under the pressure. Kosher or am I missing something?
3. This is my first bike and unfortunetly she has been dropped a few times, but never actually moving haha. Seriously though, I always fell from a stop. By a few times I mean 3 or 4 with me being able to support her most of the way to the ground when I realized I was going down.... except for the last fall. The fall that broke my foot and required me to bend the left peg back out due to the chain buzzing it in lower gears. I fixed that little annoyance, but am now noticing that there is a VERY SLOW, SMALL drip of a leak that is coming out from where the shift lever goes into the bike. The fluid appears to be oil, but is a lot darker than the new oil I recently put in. I've read that this "shifter rod" (I think) has been known to break and there was plenty of force in the fall to accomodate that. Hopefully it's something like a seal.
MY SOLUTION: I don't really have a solution actually. Drain the oil, open her up and look around right? Take pics, post and wait? I've read something about this shift lever breaking and having to remove the broken pieces with a magnet I think? Sounds like a crappy job to do. Maybe it could be something easy since the shifter still works as well as always. I understand that a step-by-step tutorial would be asking a bit much, but is this problem one that I can just keep an eye on and go easy on the lever in the meantime? Or is the potential damage from it breaking worth immediate investigation?
If nothing else, this thread could possibly help other members out there that are new so please BE NICE haha.