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there is my criagslist ad i hate to sale but trying to put money in savings to buy a house toys gotta to go for now i will let anyone on ths forum have it for 2500 obo with my extra transmisson and parts
thank you for looking
my cell number is 703-200-4067 text or call with any questions also willing to trade for SUV
location is new market,va right off 81 by 2 miles
1989 fzr 600 candy silver base coat, black frame ,voltage up-grade amoung much more
I hate to be the bad guy, but $2500 is steep... I know you have a lot of money into it, but that's just how these things go. FACT : Motorcycles are money pits.
Here are a couple other bikes in your area for sale for the same price ::
i know the price is high but that is why we negoation just like buying cars we all have the price in our heads what we want throw a higher price and work done so throw some offers out there
1989 fzr 600 candy silver base coat, black frame ,voltage up-grade amoung much more
In my area 2k seems like the going price for a nice FZR all plastics etc. So your in the right ballpark starting if you start at 2500. Good luck with the sale! Don't forget to send the new owner to the board.