My 91 just had a new set of intake valves installed on new seats, and I have just re-adjusted the valves and bench synched the carbs. the engine has a jet kit installed with (I am told by the company) appropriate jet sizes for my 4800 ft elevation and Micron 4-1 exhaust.
I know that I now need to dynamically tune the carbs and to adjust for mixture on each. I mention mixture because the bike will not run with the airbox on, but does reasonably well with it off; though it hesitates due to lack of synchronization.
My question is: which issue should I address first? That of mixture or that of synchronization?
Also- What does the mixture screw control for- air or for fuel? It is either turned in to enrichen the pilot circuit or to lean it out.
Steps to Carb Tuning
Moderators: Site Director, FZR Forum Moderators
Re: Steps to Carb Tuning
The mixture screws add or subtract fuel. The rule is, downstream of the float bowls=fuel control. Upstream = air.
A good bench synch should see this thing running-that's better than many bikes actually on the road. I think it hesitates due to lack of resonance from having no airbox.
If it ran before at the current carb settings with the airbox, it should still
A good bench synch should see this thing running-that's better than many bikes actually on the road. I think it hesitates due to lack of resonance from having no airbox.
If it ran before at the current carb settings with the airbox, it should still

“A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools.”-Douglas Adams
“A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools.”-Douglas Adams