1989 fzr 600 oil pressure pin.

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1989 fzr 600 oil pressure pin.

Post by Mercadod »

I am looking at a new 1989 fzr 600 that has 16000 miles in good conditon the guy was rebuilding it but ran out of money. He said it needed a new oil pressure pin which I have been googling and cant find it anywhere does anyone know what this is. Thanks in advance.
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Re: 1989 fzr 600 oil pressure pin.

Post by rotortech »

He might mean oil pressure switch. He may not know what he is talking about. Be careful. If it is not running and in pieces I would not give more than about $500 or $600. If you can't run it and ride it, you don't know what you are buying. Good luck.
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Re: 1989 fzr 600 oil pressure pin.

Post by Mercadod »

Thats what I thought too he only wants 500 for it so I thought that was a good deal. Now would the oil pressure switch being bad cause it to not run or?
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Re: 1989 fzr 600 oil pressure pin.

Post by DonTZ125 »

There is no oil pressure switch on the FZR series of bikes; they use an oil LEVEL float switch. This guy really doesn't know what he's talking about.

The oil level switch is a warning light only; it is not part of the safety system, and will not prevent the bike from cranking or running. The oil light comes on while cranking, but this is a function test only (you don't want a burned-out bulb resulting in a destroyed engine!).

$500 for a basket-case isn't bad.
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Re: 1989 fzr 600 oil pressure pin.

Post by Mercadod »

Yeah thats what I thought now I need to do a little more research on why it doesnt run he already replaced the fuel petcock, starter solinoid, and new brake sensor. I just cant think why he would think its an oil pressure switch if they dont have one.
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Re: 1989 fzr 600 oil pressure pin.

Post by rotortech »

DonTZ125 wrote:There is no oil pressure switch on the FZR series of bikes; they use an oil LEVEL float switch. This guy really doesn't know what he's talking about.

The oil level switch is a warning light only; it is not part of the safety system, and will not prevent the bike from cranking or running. The oil light comes on while cranking, but this is a function test only (you don't want a burned-out bulb resulting in a destroyed engine!).

$500 for a basket-case isn't bad.
Don to the rescue. I screwed that up just as bad as the seller. I knew what I meant when I wrote oil pressure switch but my brain couldn't output the right words for me to type. :duh:
Indianapolis, IN

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Re: 1989 fzr 600 oil pressure pin.

Post by DonTZ125 »

Mercadod wrote:I just cant think why he would think its an oil pressure switch if they dont have one.
In fairness, it's not an uncommon misunderstanding. Most vehicles have oil pressure warning lights, so without more in-depth knowledge the oil warning light labeled 'OIL' could easily be mistaken for a pressure light.

The brake light switch and petcock (assuming the previous one could be turned ON) have nothing to do with starting the bike. The solenoid certainly might.

How 'together' is the bike? Is it a random collection of parts, or is it actually together enough to attempt a start and check for spark?
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Re: 1989 fzr 600 oil pressure pin.

Post by Mercadod »

DonTZ125 wrote:
Mercadod wrote:I just cant think why he would think its an oil pressure switch if they dont have one.
In fairness, it's not an uncommon misunderstanding. Most vehicles have oil pressure warning lights, so without more in-depth knowledge the oil warning light labeled 'OIL' could easily be mistaken for a pressure light.

The brake light switch and petcock (assuming the previous one could be turned ON) have nothing to do with starting the bike. The solenoid certainly might.

How 'together' is the bike? Is it a random collection of parts, or is it actually together enough to attempt a start and check for spark?
Last time I spoke with him he was finishing putting on the last couple of things to have it completly back togother so im thinking it is completely back togother. Know if I can get a spark, is there is a possibility of getting it started again. I really like these bikes thats why im trying to see what I can figure out before saturday (the day I go to check it out).
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Re: 1989 fzr 600 oil pressure pin.

Post by DonTZ125 »

There are three things to getting an engine to run - fuel, spark, and compression. Problems with the first is almost always dirty or misadjusted carbs - pretty cheap and easy.

Spark can be easy, or fairly expensive. Typical problems range from loose wires to safety switches, corroded spark wires, or a fried TCI box.

Compression can also be inexpensive (improper valve clearances) but time-consuming to rectify; it can be more than the bike is worth (holed pistons, floated valves).
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Re: 1989 fzr 600 oil pressure pin.

Post by Mercadod »

DonTZ125 wrote:There are three things to getting an engine to run - fuel, spark, and compression. Problems with the first is almost always dirty or misadjusted carbs - pretty cheap and easy.

Spark can be easy, or fairly expensive. Typical problems range from loose wires to safety switches, corroded spark wires, or a fried TCI box.

Compression can also be inexpensive (improper valve clearances) but time-consuming to rectify; it can be more than the bike is worth (holed pistons, floated valves).
Yeah, thats what i figured I have more experiance with cars/trucks so I was gonna get this because it was a good deal, he updated his cl ad, so im a little worried about the engine being locked. But here is his ad incase you wanted to see: http://winstonsalem.craigslist.org/mcy/2424995063.html
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Re: 1989 fzr 600 oil pressure pin.

Post by DonTZ125 »

How very odd... He's quite firm that the engine won't start without it!

Perhaps he means the oil pressure relief valve? Or the filter bolt... :headscratch: I'm just guessing here - I think you need to call the nice man and hammer out WTF he's talking about!
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Re: 1989 fzr 600 oil pressure pin.

Post by Mercadod »

DonTZ125 wrote:How very odd... He's quite firm that the engine won't start without it!

Perhaps he means the oil pressure relief valve? Or the filter bolt... :headscratch: I'm just guessing here - I think you need to call the nice man and hammer out WTF he's talking about!
Ive contacted him and weve talked and he says he is 100% sure he knows what hes talking about. I thought off hand he was talking about the oil filter bolt to but hes saying thats not it. Idk but Ive done searching every where and a buddy of mine told me to check here so im gonna go check it out on saturday, I appreciate everything. Ill let you know how it goes, if I get it ill have to search it up and down and see whats going on.
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Re: 1989 fzr 600 oil pressure pin.

Post by Mercadod »

Well when I went to contact him about seeing it he didnt respond for a day and then he told me he sold it a little suspicous of you ask me but on the next one hopefully ill find another one.
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