DonTZ125 wrote:When you buy your double-banjo, be sure and get a double-banjo with bleeder...
George's front brakes have no union do hicky under the triples they are straight from L & R calipers to the MC with a double banjo there yes and he did forget to mention the bleed nipple although it is on the page he did on our web site about front brakes in the link he gave
Last night I decided to try and tie wrap the brake lever tight. I just got home about 24 hours late and low and behold the brakes are perfect! It looks like this little trick is an excellent way to bleed out the final small remaining pocket of air in the system. I suppose it leaves the master cylinder circuit open and lets the air bubbles rise to the top effectively purging the air from the system. I have gravity bled the brakes on my cars that I could not power bleed before and this is kinda sorta the opposite. Its like letting mother nature take over!
1994 FZR 600 White/Blue/Yellow. Been stored for several years and had 12K miles on it now. Working to get it back on the road.