a few days back my bike died while i was out, pulled over and checked a few bits but couldnt find a prob, pushed to a petrol station (there was fuel in the tank but high octain so doesnt ignite as easily) refilled the bike, drained carbs and it fired on 1, revved it a lot and the 4 kicked in, got home fine,
went out the next morn and the bike wouldnt start again......checked for a spark after trying a couple of other bits and its not sparking.
tried new plugs and still no luck, was told to check the stator and pickup, bit of rust on the pickup so cleaned it up, still no spark.
disconnected the block connectors from the stator pickup(1 connector with 3 white wires and another with 2) and checked for ohms from them,
getting a reading from the connector with the 3 wires but nothing from the 2.....not sure where to go next.........
any help would be greatly appreciated