Background: 13K on bike (original brakes/pads). Now the bad news I dropped the bike backing down an incline. All seemed ok but the front breaks seemed different. The front brake seemed to have more travel/position when fully engaged almost to the throttle. I figured a quick adjustment might help (boy was I wrong!!!). So I looked at the adjusting screw on the brake lever. It was fully screwed in but had the stop nut on it. Therefore if the screw was to be tightened any further the nut would need to be removed. I thus removed the screw took off the nut and put the screw back on and screwed it all the way in. So the levor was now effectively more engaged to the master cylinder. I thought I had enough free play as it did not seem tight (first big mistake). Well long story short the bakes must have been partially engaged and heated up to the point where the front bake locked up and caused a crash around a turn.
Rider ok but bike plastics and peanut cover messed up

(NRC makes sand cast peanut covers for the FZR which I recently purchased).
I put the lock nut back on the lever but noticed (after I purchased a front race stand) that the wheel drags a lot. So I removed the pads and the wheel spins free now.
Drag detected after incident
Removed pads wheel spins free
Calipers seem ok no detected leaks
Do you think the excessive heat from having the bakes engaged that caused the swelling and further compression subsequent lock up damaged anything from all the heat? If so what do I need to look out for? I will check my rotors for both run out with a dial indicator to make sure I did not warp them and also check for wear on the rotors by miking it out but I am most concerned about the calipers. If they are not leaking could they have heated and become sticky causing the pads to be so tight? Should the wheel with new pads spin as free as with no pads meaning how much friction if any do the pads have when in the caliper and seated properly? How do I verify the function of the caliper other than re-assembly with new pads?
1994 FZR 600 White/Blue/Yellow. Been stored for several years and had 12K miles on it now. Working to get it back on the road.
Located in Phoenix AZ