If you got the money do this, do it! (a ruff idea of cost is what i paied for my parts)
YZF600R swingarm with shock and everything ($95)
R6 rim with after marke waved bracking rotor ($150)
R6 super sprox tri metal sprocket ($90)
R6 brake stay with new pads ($45)
axle sleeves ($90)
machine work (free because i got connections)

total hours for the swap maybe 30 mins to 1 hour if your follow my instructions. If you choose not to follow my instructions then figure 8-12 hours of figuring out dimensions and materital tolerances. (trust me i am mechanical drafter so just follow the little sketch)
it's so simple is not even funny because i already figured it out for you (about 12 hours of thinking and messing up)
1st buy a YZF600R swingarm 1995-2007 (all the same)must have the yzf600r alxe also.
2nd buy a R6 rim 1999-2002 (all the same) and the sprocket hub stuff and all the rear brake stuff.
3rd follow my 1st post about cutting the YZF600r swingarm to fit you your FZR400/600 frame
4th have modking or someone else (modking already has the tools to make these parts) machine these spacers/wheel sleeves. the R6 axle is like 1" dia larger then the YZF600r so you need these made from 6061 or 7075 aluminum (warning they will not be cheap)
here is the drawing and here is what they look like. ****Just realize the left side sleeve has to have a dimension of .440 not .500 (i already messed up and had to have mine remachined down)****. every other dimension on there is correct. i didnt feel like redrawing the drawing and taking a picture. (the R6 wheel hub is not centered so it was a 6 hour pain in my ass to figure this out)

5th install the spacers left and right into the R6 wheel, but grease them 1st...do i really need a pic for this?!?!?!?
6th have somone cut a 1.50" long peice of bar stock (steel) and put your wheel in the swingam as close as it can go in the chain adjustment slot as shown and weld the bar paralell with the swingarm (refferance dimension it was about .500-.600" high) drill and tap the bar 1st 1.25" deep for a 8mm bolt and then tightening everything up so you can tack weld it in place.

7th remove everything off the swingarm and weld around the entire peice of bar stock as shown

8th cut off the orginal yzf600r brake stay mount, you wont every need it now. all the other mounts are the stock hugger mounting tabs so keep them.

9th test fit, put on bike, paint or do what ever you want. i dont think i need to show you a pic to do this haha.