well i got sent this by a friend in NZ. for any one who wants a motoGP type response from his engine by using just his right hand and he wants it SMOOTH.
Now this you have to seeFly-By-Wire {FBW} is no black art, and on bikes in inherently simple. Cars
make it spastically complex, which is why some cars were having
accidents. If you have to ask the question "Do i need FBW for my bike
?" The answer is NO.
Top line FBW systems (And by that im not talking about cost, im talking
about flexibility / setup options) are NON-Linear.
Get your power curve. For simplicity, im gonna say your bike has
100hp. Your power curve is NOT flat from idle to max output. It has
wobbles and curves in it. Get the plotted graph from your dyno
operator. While at it, record what your TPS is doing at every 10th
point on the scale. IE: how much throttle is being used to get 10hp,
20hp, etc.. Also record how much throttle is needed to MAKE 10hp, 20hp,
Now use this data to "map" your FBW system. When you twist your
throttle 10%, you were getting 8hp, now adjust it so it outputs 10hp.
50% throttle was giving 55hp, adjust it so its 50hp..
This creates a VERY smooth linear action of the throttle to the back
wheel. If you twist it 33%, you should theoretically get 33% of your
total power.
Thats what FBW is all about, trying to get ideal power output from what
the rider puts in. Ever hear a rider or race commentator talk about how
the engineers work for "direct throttle control" to the back wheel ?
this is what its all about.
Go get yourself an "Arduino" and a few bits and pieces.. Can build the
whole lot for bugger all.. Seriously, you can do it REALLY cheap.
Maybe use an Arduino Nano (which i have and use) and its REALLY small.
You can slide it into a big piece of heat sink and use it inline on the
wire harness.
Unfortunately, you have to write some code, BUT the Arduino project is
fully opensource and there is HEAPS of help and tech support on things.
They encourage you to "cut and copy" their code. You just need some
dyno time to make a "BIN" file which has your information.. This may or
may not be complex / hard for some people. Ill leave it up to you.
Incidently, Arduinos can output on I2C, CAN, Serial (RX/TX), and have a
bunch more sensors. You can make a fairly awesome data logger out of it
too and add lean angle sensors (axis meter), and most any sensor you can
think of, AND make it use that data.. IE: "Bike has fallen over, shut
throttle regardless of what throttle says" etc..
Hope this helps people with some new ideas.