sold my 929 today for 4K cash. not bad i bought it for 4K 2 years ago.
found a 01 TL1000s 6K miles 3600 OBO all stock
found a 01 TL1000r 26K miles all modded out 3200 OBO needs 1 fairing painted, owner dropped it andbought a new one.
a TLR is on my wish list but just before that is a thunderace, they're pretty rare since they were a one year model over here but parts aren't a problem since it shared a lot of parts with the fzr1000. You can sometimes find them for about the same pricing as the TLR and the performance is similiar with the thunderace being a little quicker and more forgiving in the handling department.
The TL-S got a bad rep for beeing unstable/slap happy. So when Suzuki released the TL-R thay had sloved down the stering to make it more stable. It mantained the wierd rotary damper thingy,insted of a normal rear-shock. You can get an aftermarket shock that is said to be a LOT better than stock.
I like the S better but it is a bike that need a few upgrates to make it a good road/track bike. The R is too heavy compared to the S. That and the slow steering makes this a no brainer for me.
"If a man can build it, I can take it apart and sometimes even put it back together and fix it" --Unknown
"'I wish none of this had happened.' 'So do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.....'" J.R.R. Tolkien
i dont like the TLR or thr TLS after sitting on them. they are huge fat overweight pigs...makes the RC51 feel like a mini bike...its RC51 for me if i go vtwin, if not ill pic up an old GSXR750 srad and make it a stunt bike.