History/Evolution of the FZR 600 / 750 / 1000 ?

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History/Evolution of the FZR 600 / 750 / 1000 ?

Post by Lasse »

Hello !

Some really dumb newbie question....

* Can some one explain the History/Evolution of the FZR ( YZF ? ) 600 / 750 / 1000 during the 90's ?

* Why does some bike reffered to be called as a FZR and some as a YZF ?
I do not understand Yamaha's procedure/policy when they give their name to their bikes and so on....

LOL2 I call them the Fly Eye generation !! LOL2





Between what year were they produced ? :?:

// Lasse from SWEDEN.

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Re: History/Evolution of the FZR 600 / 750 / 1000 ?

Post by cad600 »

It's a little confussing to say the least.

US production 1989-1999
Rest of the world production 1989-1996

In 1994 the FZR600R evolved into the Fox Eye for the rest of the world. In the US, it became the YZF600R as a '95 model. In 1997, everyone was put back on the same page with the YZF600 ThunderCat. The two model ranges were seperated in the US for AMA Racing perposes.

Produced from 1994-1998

Has always been refered to as the YZF

Produced 1986-1996

In 1994 the FZR1000 gained the Fox Eye fairings of the 750 and 600 but was still known as the FZR. In 1997, it officially changed to the YZF1000 Thunder Race with styling similar to the YZF600 Thunder Cat until production stopped around 1999 when the R1 came out.
Yes, that is a Single Sided Swingarm FZR600 that I built.

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Re: History/Evolution of the FZR 600 / 750 / 1000 ?

Post by manveru »

none of the pictures you posted appear to be the "american" verisions of the fzr. If those were in america, they'd be considered yzf's i believe
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Re: History/Evolution of the FZR 600 / 750 / 1000 ?

Post by abs929cbrrr »

yzf1000 was only made in 97 i think. R1 replaced it in 98. i belive thats what you were trying to say? maybe i am wrong.
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Re: History/Evolution of the FZR 600 / 750 / 1000 ?

Post by haunter »

the 94-95 FZR1000 are foxeyes.

the 1000 didnt start till 87 ;)
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Re: History/Evolution of the FZR 600 / 750 / 1000 ?

Post by Lasse »

cad600 wrote: It's a little confussing to say the least.

In 1994 the FZR600R evolved into the Fox Eye for the rest of the world.
In the US, it became the YZF600R as a '95 model.

( Produced: 1994 - 1996 )

Has always been refered to as the YZF-750

( Produced : 1993 - 1998 )

In 1994 the FZR1000 gained the Fox Eye fairings of the 750 and 600 but was still known as the FZR.

( Produced : 1994 - 1997 )

I am only intressted in facts and figures regarding what you all call Fox Eye style generation !

Is this considered more of an track bike or more of an street bike than the previous FZR's ?

Is this 3 bikes complettly different or does them have interchangeable parts ?

example : Frame , Swing arm , Wheels, Fairings ?
// Lasse from SWEDEN.

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Re: History/Evolution of the FZR 600 / 750 / 1000 ?

Post by haunter »

the 750 and 1000 foxeye are pretty compatible from what i understand

I know putting a 1k lump into a 750 isnt very taxing!

infact, the thunderace, the 97 YZF 1000 is basically just that. THe 97 YZF 750 with minor changes and a 1000cc motor that has a lighter crank and some other goodies
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Re: History/Evolution of the FZR 600 / 750 / 1000 ?

Post by cad600 »

The FZR600 Fox Eye was a completely new bike compaired to the original FZR (twin round or single headlight). The engine and swingarms can swap with minor modifications. The FZR600 Fox Eye and YZF600 are the same bike with different fairings. Almost everything is the same between these two bike with only minor upgrades through it's production cycle. The most notable are: 1) the use of fully adjustable forks from '95-'96, and 2) the addition of the TPS (throttle possition sensor) in the carbs around '98 or '99, and 3) a brake caliper/master cylinder upgrade at some point in time.
Yes, that is a Single Sided Swingarm FZR600 that I built.

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Re: History/Evolution of the FZR 600 / 750 / 1000 ?

Post by ragedigital »

It is confusing why they did it and even more confusing when trying to by parts off eBay.

I thought I would also throw this link out there. It is a history of Yamaha's 600cc class of sportbikes. Might also clear up some confusion.

http://www.mcnews.com.au/ClassicsCustom ... ha_600.htm
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Post by Lasse »

cad600 wrote: The FZR600 Fox Eye was a completely new bike compaired to the original FZR (twin round or single headlight).
The engine and swingarms can swap with minor modifications.
The FZR600 Fox Eye and YZF600 are the same bike with different fairings.
Almost everything is the same between these two bike with only minor upgrades through it's production cycle.
The most notable are:
1) the use of fully adjustable forks from '95-'96
2) the addition of the TPS (throttle possition sensor) in the carbs around '98 or '99
3) a brake caliper/master cylinder upgrade at some point in time.
Do you mean different fairings or different decals/colour on the fairrings ?
// Lasse from SWEDEN.

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Re: History/Evolution of the FZR 600 / 750 / 1000 ?

Post by cad600 »

Completely different fairings.

FZR600R Fox Eye (US-YZF600 '95-'96)

YZF600 Thunder Cat ('97-'08)
Yes, that is a Single Sided Swingarm FZR600 that I built.

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Re: History/Evolution of the FZR 600 / 750 / 1000 ?

Post by Lasse »

cad600 wrote: Completely different fairings.
Yes, of course the ThunderCat is different.

I am only intrested in fact and figures about the Fox Eyed style Yamaha's :banana:
// Lasse from SWEDEN.

Yamaha FZR-600 ( 1990 )
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