Got the front wheel in about a week ago, So now all I need to do is paint. The rim is in pretty rough shape PAINT WISE chips and flakes everywhere. So Im asking you guys for your help. I figured just sand, prime a few coats and paint a few coats. ...Theres a bunch of guys on this forum who have painted wheels and they've came out awsome. So let me know whats up.
...ROGO... 1993 Yamaha Fzr 600-RIP Stock
1990 Yamaha Fzr 600-Current Mods Updated R6 Voltage Regulator/Rectifier
Flush mount Front Signals
R6 Headers Modded By That-Kid
Leo Vince R6 Highmount Exhaust
520 Chain and Sprocket Conversion
YZF600R Front End Swap
Front and Rear YZF600R Brake Swap
YZF600R Swingarm Swap
92 Fzr Single Upper
8000k HID Headlight Kit
95 YZF600R Gauge Cluster
02 R6 Tail, Fender Eliminator and Intergrated Tailight
YZF600R Gas Tank
Rear Tire Hugger
+1 to what every one said. go get some aircraft stripper and use it to get the majority of the old paint off. Your going to have some paint left here and there. get some like 600 grit wet sand paper and wet sand the rest of the the wheel smooth. primer, wet sand any imperfections in the primer. then base coat, then clear coat. its basic/easy and affordable
if you use aircraft stripper make sure where some good heavy duty rubber gloves , after sanding the wheel use a tack cloth <any hardware/paint store> to get excess dust off , i prefer to sand it lightly even after priming the wheel , and maybe hit it with a 2nd coat of primer just to make sure it covers what ever the 1st coat didnt get . when applying 1st coat of paint apply lightly dont try to use the whole can in one session <i did that trying to rush and had runs from being to wet . at your auto parts store they have paint called dupli-color i believe .. they use it for wheels and calipers .. that stuff worked best for me the rustolium stuff paint didnt seem thick enough to me but if u take it slow and gradually build up the coats it should cover fine no matter what paint u use ..first paint coat very lightly , come back in hour or 2 repeat process , but dont spray too much or else it will cake and run ... or you could save yourself all this time and just have it powdercoated to you color choice .. but then it take all the fun out of it ..
2002 R1 9k miles , Hotbodies undertail , Chopped Hindle Hi Mount , Solo Seat cowl,Frame sliders, little yellow yamaha wheel stickers .hehe
94' 600RR SOLD**
hid xenon
airtek solo tail
time for a 1000
R.I.P DaD 2/17/09 Your in my <3 always
I also used aircraft stripper. I can be found at any auto parts store. It comes in spray form or quarts, gallons of liquid. You can also find spray cans of wheel paint there.
Aircraft Remover! Saves a lot of time. Careful!! that stuff is nasty, wear gloves and do it outside.Mask off the entire tire with masking tape. paint, and your all done! Good luck!!
Looking for a FZR 400 3TJ 1992 FZR 600 SOLD 2001 Ducati ST4 916
Chipped, with Fast By Ferracci cans The Yellow Duc Project
The lord tells me he can get me outta this mess but he tells me he's pretty sure your f***ed.
Thanx for all the imput guys...And Tom there wont be tires on the wheels, I figured Id take them off to m I know a guy who ake the whole process easier. My buddy works at a bike shop so he said he could take them off then remount and balance.
...ROGO... 1993 Yamaha Fzr 600-RIP Stock
1990 Yamaha Fzr 600-Current Mods Updated R6 Voltage Regulator/Rectifier
Flush mount Front Signals
R6 Headers Modded By That-Kid
Leo Vince R6 Highmount Exhaust
520 Chain and Sprocket Conversion
YZF600R Front End Swap
Front and Rear YZF600R Brake Swap
YZF600R Swingarm Swap
92 Fzr Single Upper
8000k HID Headlight Kit
95 YZF600R Gauge Cluster
02 R6 Tail, Fender Eliminator and Intergrated Tailight
YZF600R Gas Tank
Rear Tire Hugger
+1 on that - if you're having the tyres off, then it's worth dropping the wheelbearings out and getting them coated. The lad I sold my Fireblade to has just had the wheel redone, £70 the pair, and it looks fantastic. By the time you've paid for paint and stripper etc you're halfway there, never mind the time you save.
BOBEE name and number please, I may aswell check him out.
...ROGO... 1993 Yamaha Fzr 600-RIP Stock
1990 Yamaha Fzr 600-Current Mods Updated R6 Voltage Regulator/Rectifier
Flush mount Front Signals
R6 Headers Modded By That-Kid
Leo Vince R6 Highmount Exhaust
520 Chain and Sprocket Conversion
YZF600R Front End Swap
Front and Rear YZF600R Brake Swap
YZF600R Swingarm Swap
92 Fzr Single Upper
8000k HID Headlight Kit
95 YZF600R Gauge Cluster
02 R6 Tail, Fender Eliminator and Intergrated Tailight
YZF600R Gas Tank
Rear Tire Hugger
we charge 60 bucks a set for sport bike wheels like this in a solid one shot color... i am getting ready to start laying powder on my build... ill post some pics as i go.
I just repainted mine last month. I bought it in july and needed new tires so i took aircraft remover to them to get the paint off. But after finding that it worked great but didnt get all the paint out of the corners i took them to work and sandblasted them. Found a self etching primer at auto store and used krylon spray paint to paint them red and black. And i recoment using a clear for rims because brake dust will eat through normal clear. It doesnt have enough hardned in it. But if you want fool prough and pro looks powdercoating is the only way to go