smoking hot cdi box

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smoking hot cdi box

Post by China_Racer_1 »

hey all,

Well I got my hybrid 400/yzf out on the track yesterday but I have an issue with the blcak box getting so frigin hot you can not even touch it for a second.

Anyone else run into this or know what might be causing it?

I suffered a dramtic loss in power about 1/2 way through two sessions due to - I suspect - this problem. Though I am nto sure. I got all new electronics for the bike on the way as well as Ihae to jump the starter. I got a relay out as well.

I was thinking a grounded wire maybe or soemthing like that but, again, not sure.

I got a report on the bikes overall performance in the "Race & track" section below

I really need a resolution on this. I got a race this weekend.

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Re: smoking hot cdi box

Post by R3TARD »

vr??? I know my cdi got hotter than hell when my vr went out

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Re: smoking hot cdi box

Post by yamaha_george »

R3TARD wrote:vr??? I know my cdi got hotter than hell when my vr went out
That sounds like the usual suspect that and you have a handmade loom on that bike maybe a lead not connected well.

Take the lid off the TDI and inspect the tracks inside to the switching transistors You can see the repair details in the WIKI how-to section on the TECH page
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