Thanks fellas ... Honestly i owned my fzr since summer 02' till spring 09' no one ever phucked with it ... thats leaving it parked out at places , even leaving it in open public hop in the car with buddies and come back next day .. still there , even though in back of my head I was praying no one took it .. I guess the R1 has more chop shop value , well I know it does ..
If they come back for this one , I will let them take it . No Running out in my undies with guns blazing tryin to catch them . This one they will have to start taking the gas tank off before they locate one of the devices . By then their location should be dead on .. The only bugger about these devices is that they tend to buffer around a 25 ft zone ..< Dont want to bust the wrong persons door down ..

> All in all though , It doesn't replace the R1 .. never will .. Honda didn't seem to have shit on Yamaha that part of the decade even though brand new im sure these things were crazy fast almost as fast as the R1 .. Though these did come FI in 2001 yamaha waited till 2002 to FI the r1's .. So maybe Honda was one step ahead of Yamaha just doesn't feel as good ..
When i purchased my R1 ,, the all black frame looked so nice i was inlove with the bike before ever riding it the fact i got it under 4 grand with under 10k on the dash , original owner completely stock .. Today i see them selling for 5-6 grand with more milage and not as in good condition even though i doubt they will get their asking price ..
I'm not a big chrome person either but i figure if you go chrome . GO ALL THE WAY ..
Here in Detroit , people look at the bike and go GAGA over it and really its all because of the chrome .. every single one of my workers thinks this thing looks 100XXX better then my R1 .I'm like are you Serious? but its the presence of the white paint and chrome they see ..
I doubt i can compare my replacing bikes to BMiller ..

His credit is just better then Mine ..haha and the phucker always comes out with some badass bikes since the archives days ..Gotta give him the credit where its due ..
If my R1 isnt found i will get a new one for sure ..but not before buying a house with a nice SECURE garage ..
As far this bike gettin stolen , i think the motorcycle theft crews prey on fairly new looking or year models .. I mean this is not a common bike .. Not to many 929rr's , compared to today's litter of r1/r6/zx-6,cbr 600rr/1000rr and of course GSXR'S
those are what the parts god's look for IMHO ..
But all i know is if somone comes for it .. God Help Them!!!!
BTW .. i just got a email from somone who went to buy the bike from the PO that i got it .. he's offering me 500 more then i paid for it ..He Must really like the bike too .

sent him a reply No thanks ..