Because i get sponcership i open the jet box as they were ducati race agents from yesteryear and use their stock of makuni bits.yamaha_george wrote:Mossy,mossy1200 wrote: i guess im lucky as they let me alter mine and then just keep running it through to pick the changes.after all we are seeking fractions of torque and hp.
last time on the dyno we did 26 runs to get the results we wanted with recordings of where we plan to change it with the new slides etc.
Im sure that no one normally gets that kind of runs.It would be beyond most peoples pockets if the mechanic was doing the changes and the dyno runs.
You are VERY lucky 26 runs even at 40 quid each =1040 UKpounds =2605NZ Dollars and that is with out the cost of the mechanic doing carb bits.
If doing it your self the amount of jet stock would be fairly expensive probably well in excess of 20 UKP per set of mains, do not talk about needle jets probably 100 a set
i paid them $100NZD for unlimited exchange and have 10 sets of main jets and 3 of idle.The air jets are blocked off on mine so the jet sizes are smaller now so even small changes make big result changes.Unlimited stock is a real luxury.the only thing is using a shops labour is very result orientated.Stop performing stop receiving.therefore I am trying to learn as many results from setting changes as i go so that if the gravy train folds i understand what little adjustments are doing.Even fuel blends make changes.i have tried all three fuel (pump)types.Race fuel and avaitation fuel and nothing gives my FZR more power than premium unleaded 98octaine on the old octaine scale which I would assume would be 93 in the States.
What I can tell you is that the dyno kit stage three did not work in New Zealand as per instructions and im running air jets blocked,standard slide holes,stage one main jet smallest,4turns out on mixture,top circlip on needles.This is nothing like the base settings on the instruction sheet.