FzrAtx wrote:Bad times...
So I've been burning some oil recently about a 1/3qt per 500 miles. The other day I put my hand in front of the exhaust while i started the bike and it sprayed a little poot of oil out....
SO I'm assuming warn piston rings???? I'm no mechanic so I need a little help with this. DO I just check compression in each cylinder to find the problem?
Questions: How bad is it to drive it like this for now?
Are there any special tools i need to tear the engine down to the pistons?
If I'm going to take the engine apart to that extent what else do I need, gaskets etc?
On bikebandit.com there are three piston ring sets a STD, 0.50mm and 1.00mm, how do I know which one I need?
http://www.bikebandit.com/houseofmotorc ... 96/o/m7220
Oh by the way I have a 96 fzr600 49 states version with 185000 miles or so. Any help is greatly appreciated!!!
In my opinion 1/3 of a litre it's a lot for 500 miles. Your engine might need piston rings replacement (or more). A compression check will show you how bad it is. Mostly for wear valve stems and guides.
What you 'll need is a torque tool when you 'll get the engine assemple. This tool tights all bolts/nuts with the same torque. You 'll certainly need a new gasket kit. And it 'll be a good advice to check the valves clearances.
Once you have your engine opened, and piston rings out, check their edges. They must write the letters "STD" or the number "0,50" or "1,00" or similar. That's standard for STD and oversized in half mm for 0.50 or oversized 1mm for 1,00
But except weared piston rings it might the cylinders be weareder as well. That's something rare though, but not impossible.
Also, the problem can be weared valve stems and guides. I don't know if that cost worths it. maybe another engine????
Good luck buddy!!!