Thanks for the warm welcome everyone. I'm a pretty fair mechanic on vehicles, GM stuff mostly. I spent about 5 years working at a dealership as a tech before I went back active duty. I've got a decent collection of tools and a decent sized detached garage to play in that I'm just finishing up on now. 28' x 32' with a bonus room upstairs on half, the other half has 15' ceilings for a lift in the future.
One thing that I sure dont remember from my last bike is the torque. Being able to accelerate at 5k rpms is great. Gonna have to get used to that one. I have and race a 96 corvette in local autox events and the odd track day. I know I can drive the vette to 10/10ths of its potential but the bike is gonna take alot longer and truthfully I dont need or want to drive it at 10/10ths. About 8/10s would be good. I figure I'm at a 6 now, tops.
George, thanks for the words of wisdom. I'm a modest 38 years young and an official 'old guy' now. At least as far as my troops at work are concerned. I've been taking it easy and will continue to feel the bike out gradually. Its too exspensive and painful to have slip ups anymore.
As promised, here are some better pics. The price was $2500

1969 Wife, all stock no mods. Factory redhead. Original owner.
2005 Son. Hell on wheels package.
An FZR1k and a couple of cages too