I rolled my company into my buddies and we are working together over here, now.
We opened up a shop at the local race track and will be selling titanium bolts, titanium exhausts, Carbon Fiber parts as well as doing engine repairs, builds, custom bikes, race bike prep, race school and bike rentals.
Here are some pics. We just got parts, bikes and furniture in today so its still not finished at all. Maybe a week or so we will be ready to open.
My FZR Racers are in the spot light right now.

Pics were taken with my I-Phone so not as good as a real camera sorry. Will get better pics soon.

Front entrance. Bike on the right coffee bar / bar on the left

Right side with the bikes on display. Now that we are moved in this area will be stuffed full of members bikes. All track racers.

OYA Carbon http://www.oyacarbon.com has been very good to me and my FZR project bikes

These bikes are not 100% built so tail sections need to be adjusted ride height etc.. so hold comments until they are finished ha ha.

This is the members lounge/bar area to relax between sessions