dry rotted front tire, and V'ed pretty bad - needs replaced.
small cracked piece on upper, pretty easy plastex fix, barely noticed it, but will be more noticeable in the sunlight - will fix
missing left mirror, bolts still there though. - will replace
yosh can has small ding at the front, hardly noticeable, and missing a rivet - will fix
some scratches in the decals, will probably leave
bracket that attaches fairings together at bottom is missing, will make a new one
choke lever broken, can still turn it, but the lever part is broken - will replace
start button needs to be jiggled to work, should be pretty easy fix
carbs leak, seems like same issue i had with my bike a few years ago, sticky float - will run seafoam through, very good chance it fixes it
Otherwise it runs great, very smooth, shifts through all gears easily, clutch engages well, seems like it may need adjusting cause it engages early, but it is a hydraulic clutch, and i know nothing about them. frame is 85% polished, just needs a little more work to be perfect. everything else looks to be in tremendous shape, if i had all the parts, i would say about 2 hours worth of work and she is mint. only issue is, the title was never transferred to the last owner, so i may have some work to do there. oh, 41k on the clock also. he was asking for a trade of a camper, or , well worth the, even without the title. I offered him and he took it.

Last issue....I am only keeping one bike...