Signal Fuse Burning

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Signal Fuse Burning

Post by SilverJS »

Hey guys,

OK - got EVERYTHING done, everything's working just peachy. The 660 is absolutely evil, the flatslides are jetted perfectly, all the little gizmos with the R1 dash worked (drilling the cases wasn't such a big deal with the engine out of the bike...=))).

So. I take her out for a bit of a longer ride, the first one (longer than 5 minutes, anyways). As I'm coming back, my dash dies out. Then, I notice my flashers don't work either, nor does the horn. I immediately suspect a fuse - I was right. The signal fuse. I re-checked my wiring quickly (I had already taped most of it), but it looks good. I put another fuse in, just to see, and do the exact same itinerary for a ride, and a bit later than the first time, the fuse goes.

My question : would this be due to the fact I tapped the same power (brown) wire for a few more things than it's designed for - horn, relay for oil light - or is it more likely I have a short somewhere? Any tips/pointers/suggestions?

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Re: Signal Fuse Burning

Post by shredex »

mine kept blowing out when one of the ignition wires was shorting out.
it might be because you wired it that way, maybe there is a ground on one of those and one that you connected to it shouldnt have a ground or something.
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Re: Signal Fuse Burning

Post by SilverJS »

In case it isn't a short but a case of the circuit being overloaded (far-fetched, I guess), any other suggestions for a source of power I could tap for the horn/relay/speedo healer? Where did you guys tap into?

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Re: Signal Fuse Burning

Post by shredex »

it has to be something with the electrical. maybe your overloading it and you need a higher rated fuse...maybe try a 30 instead of the normal 25...or 35.
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Re: Signal Fuse Burning

Post by SilverJS »

Yeah - isn't it a bad idea to put a higher-than-rated fuse on a circuit? I don't know, just asking...the signal circuit has a 10-amp fuse from the factory. That's what I've put in to replace it too when it burns.

I was looking at the wiring diagram, and I think it's pretty much the only circuit I could really tap into - unless I use the fan one, which I'm not using (I've got it hardwired to the battery via a switch so *I* can trigger it when needed...prefer it that way. =))
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Re: Signal Fuse Burning

Post by shredex »

if you have more stuff wired into the circut, then youll need a higher rated fuse.
try putting a 15 in it...if it still frys, then I wouldnt try going any higher
since there was 6 different bulbs in the r1 headlights, i replaced the 10 with a 15 on the headlight circut
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