What I need to do is??? It has an external pump, low fuel sensor in the tank, & reserve switch.
The wires that come from the reserve sender unit in the tank I want to dissconect them. I want it to run on reserve all the time. From what I can work out, it sends a a message to the computer, that then makes the bike miss, which makes you hit the switch.
I want to remove all that, the switch, & the wires going to the tank sender. I need the computer to think the tank is full all the time. That way I can put in the right amount of fuel in for the lenth of the race Im doing, & not have all that assotiated wiring & switch.
What do I need to do?
If I just unplug the sender wires will that make it run on reserve all the time? that way I can remove the switch..
I need to know which way to attack this issue.

Thanks Steve.