I've been going back and forth on whether to sell my FZR, or part it out, keep it and press on with the refresh and resto, or sell both the FZR and the Z750 and have one newer bike. I'd always loved the TL1000R (or SV 1000) and the Honda VFR 800 and was going to eventually get one of those. I guess I liked the V bikes better I told myself that if I got another I4 bike It would be at least a liter bike and fuel injected. So yesterday the best friend of my girlfriend's father (who has been a Goldwing rider for the last few years) calls up and says he bought a new sportier bike and was coming over...OK cool. He shows up about an hour later on a Blue 07 Kawi ZX-14 (ZZR 1400 for our Euro and Aussie peeps). After all the "oooos" and "ahhhhhs" die down my girls dad hops on it and takes it for a spin, Keep in mind my kawi 750 used to be his and he stills rides it more than I do. He comes back a few minutes later with a BIG smile on his face and says to me, "you gotta ride this bike!!!" So I gear up and hop on. First let me say that this bike feels a lot smaller than it looks and the clutch was effortless. So i take off and head out down the street. Took it out for a quick jaunt around the local area and OMG this thing is awesome!!! Fast as hell but very controllable and easy to ride for it's size. This bike has been on my mind all freakin day. He's coming back in a few weeks with a few bolt ons he wants me to do (heli's, tail tidy, foot peg lowering kit) and I'll probably take it for another spin. So Now I'm really torn as to what to do. Is this the motivation I need to get another, newer bike? What would YOU do???/
Duane... Bike: 1994 Yamaha FZR 1000 EXUP
Factory Pro Stage 1 Jetting | K&N Filter | Corbin Seat | ProTek Keyless Gas Cap | GSXR Mirrors My Thread Cage:
2005 Saab 9-7x 5.3i Arc AWD
The nice thing about having an old bike is the super low payments of $0.
But if you really want a new bike, go for it!
"There he goes. One of God's own prototypes. A high-powered mutant of some kind never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die." - Fear and Loathing
ShogunTX wrote:Ride his and enjoy not having a bike payment??
HA!!! Yeah I wish. I mean to not put anything bad on my Kawi..it's an 06 with EFI and I actually put the first 50 miles on it 2 years ago back when Daddio was the owner. I do love having 2 bikes and no payment also. I'll keep you guys posted..not sure if it'll be a zx14 but it'll be something close if I decide to stay with an I4 bike.
Duane... Bike: 1994 Yamaha FZR 1000 EXUP
Factory Pro Stage 1 Jetting | K&N Filter | Corbin Seat | ProTek Keyless Gas Cap | GSXR Mirrors My Thread Cage:
2005 Saab 9-7x 5.3i Arc AWD
Ill go ahead and fill you in on if you want a tl1000r. They are nice bikes but the fuel injection is very touchy and like to die aften. And with any v-twin you will get hotter riding it because you have cyclinder right between your legs. And take this from someone that has had a tl for 6 years and just got rid of it for the money and now i got an fzr for $250. Dont get me wrong if you have never rode a v-twin the torque is amazing on them. Im planning on getting me a 1000 I4 next year but also keeping the fzr since its paid for
bluetlr2001 wrote:Ill go ahead and fill you in on if you want a tl1000r. They are nice bikes but the fuel injection is very touchy and like to die aften. And with any v-twin you will get hotter riding it because you have cyclinder right between your legs. And take this from someone that has had a tl for 6 years and just got rid of it for the money and now i got an fzr for $250. Dont get me wrong if you have never rode a v-twin the torque is amazing on them. Im planning on getting me a 1000 I4 next year but also keeping the fzr since its paid for
Thanks for the insight..I've ridden a few twins including the TL. Even took a Victory Hammer on a 100 mile journey once last summer. Never noticed any heat issues though. Like I said I'm torn...I like the torque of the twins (and the awesome sound) but...maybe I just want a newer bike that's more my style as opposed to what i have..I guess....I'll keep ya posted...
Duane... Bike: 1994 Yamaha FZR 1000 EXUP
Factory Pro Stage 1 Jetting | K&N Filter | Corbin Seat | ProTek Keyless Gas Cap | GSXR Mirrors My Thread Cage:
2005 Saab 9-7x 5.3i Arc AWD
I also am a fan of big twins (see signature) but also like the little bikes for a change of pace.
I don't think I'd ever sell my Aprilia RSVR....outstanding handling and plenty of manageable power. You can pick 'em up second hand at a reasonable cost. Best damn bike I've ever owned to date. So, if your headed towards a twin.....I give it the "ThisEndUp Two Thumbs Up".
Be careful with the ZX14...throttle management is the name of that game. That sucker can bite back hard.
I'd say sell the Kawasaki and get the TL1000R if you really want it. I wouldn't sell the FZR though, unless it has very little sentimental value.
The ZX-14? I definitely wouldn't get one, you'll find yourself tempted to race Hayabusas and end up killing yourself. Just ride your dad's occasionally. I have to say he's a gutsy guy, my dad gave up motorcycles back in like 1986. He says he has no interest in them any more, but he had 5 bikes all thru the 70's and 80's. Kind of hard to believe he has zero passion for it anymore.
I think the increase in traffic depresses him, I guess I can't blame him really.
" several meat-eaters lay in vomit, too weak to move..."
YAM93 wrote:I'd say sell the Kawasaki and get the TL1000R if you really want it. I wouldn't sell the FZR though, unless it has very little sentimental value.
The ZX-14? I definitely wouldn't get one, you'll find yourself tempted to race Hayabusas and end up killing yourself. Just ride your dad's occasionally. I have to say he's a gutsy guy, my dad gave up motorcycles back in like 1986. He says he has no interest in them any more, but he had 5 bikes all thru the 70's and 80's. Kind of hard to believe he has zero passion for it anymore.
I think the increase in traffic depresses him, I guess I can't blame him really.
See that's the thing, I thought it might not be manageable and would be scary but it was easier to ride than my Z750 and "felt" physically smaller than my 750. I'm attributing that to the seating position being the 750 is a "standard" and the rider is more upright. And it was a lot more predictable than my FZR. I doubt I'll be trying to race any Busas if I were to get a ZX-14...after being a former street racer (12 years back..Pearl White 1980 Mazda RX-7) and seeing people get hurt I refuse and balk at any kind of "kids play" (as I call it) on the street.
Yeah my girl's dad is gutsy guy (can't really call him old even though he'll be 60 this year)and for him this would be his last his bike. I'm developing a list of what bikes I'm going to be considering which will contain both Twins and I4s.
I don't really have any kind of sentimental attachment to the FZR. It's more like a "finish what you start" thing. Plus spending time on here with you guys and seeing your cool FZR projects always would give me hope that I would finish it. My girlfriend would always questions why I bought it. She wanted my to buy a new bike but let it go when she found out I only paid 250 for it. It was her idea to buy the Z750 off of her dad so I could have a new bike and still have a project. But I haven't done much to the FZR except ride it. And believe me it's got ISSUES. So we'll see.
Duane... Bike: 1994 Yamaha FZR 1000 EXUP
Factory Pro Stage 1 Jetting | K&N Filter | Corbin Seat | ProTek Keyless Gas Cap | GSXR Mirrors My Thread Cage:
2005 Saab 9-7x 5.3i Arc AWD
Sell me the fzr for 250! You lose nothing and got some riding out of it. I say do what you want to do but base your choice off of smart evaluations. Look at the economy. Look at your income. Look at what you plan to use the bike for. Do you really NEED a newer bike to feel comfortable or do you WANT a newer bike. Bikes are already wants obviously but you can determine if it really is leaning toward more of a need. Newer bikes do get shit for gas mileage though. You can buy a civic and get better mpg.
Ok guys so i think I'm going to either part the fzr out or sell it whole in a few months. I just put a new chain on it today so i'm gonna ride it for at least half of the summer. So that begs the question...would you buy this? And how much would you pay? Here's the link to the pics.
You can probably get $1000 from a kid who needs it, or someone who wants to put some work into it. But when you say "Issues" that sounds like engine problems that make it stutter and you can't figure out what's wrong with it? (or ??)
All I can say is, before you go ZX-14...... try a SuperHawk. ...MPG-- well, it probably all evens out in the end. Probably the less fuel-efficient bikes are more fun or faster. Actually ... ThisEndUp's idea about the Aprilia RSV-R sounds really good to me. If I ever had that much extra cash (dream on!) that would be right up there with wanting to get a Ducati 1098S or R.
" several meat-eaters lay in vomit, too weak to move..."
As far as the engine itself? It just needs a valve adjustment and the carbs need to be gone through and snyched. It's also got some electrical idiosyncrasies because of the bad VR (which I recently upgraded to a YZF model) but those are easily remedied as well. The rest is cosmetic. Funny thing is it runs pretty strong the way it is right now. and I've been riding it alot more than the Kawi lately .
The Superhawk is on my list as well but I'm kinda leaning towards and EFI bike and more and more towards an I4. Not going to go with a ZX-14 because that's too much money for me to be spending on a bike-even a used one. I've been researching a few bikes and here's what I've come up with so far:
Suzuki Hayabusa
Honda CBR 1100XX BLackbird
Kawasaki ZX-12R
VTwins and V Fours:
Honda VFR Interceptor
Suzuki SV 1000
Honda VTR 1000 SuperHawk
Buell Xb12R
Duane... Bike: 1994 Yamaha FZR 1000 EXUP
Factory Pro Stage 1 Jetting | K&N Filter | Corbin Seat | ProTek Keyless Gas Cap | GSXR Mirrors My Thread Cage:
2005 Saab 9-7x 5.3i Arc AWD