what inner fairing job?shredex wrote:love it, match!
Im still working on my inner fairing job.
I wish I had the time to do stuff like this on my bike, but its hard being transportationless.
anyways, looks like everything is turning out great!
keep us updated with lots of pics, maybe a vid or two.
i know what you mean about being transportationless..i kindof made a bad decision. Right now my car isn't legal to drive around, so i've been riding the bike around. I let someone borrow my car, then i pick it up at her house because she wasn't there and realize back windshield was busted out, now i can't get in touch with her..on top of that my throw-out bearing/slave cylinder (one part) goes out. My safety inspection has expired too, so i'll get pulled over if i drive it. I've been letting it sit because i have the bike, i'll fix the car later. Then the bike thermostat went from being locked open to locked shut, screwed up my rad cap seals, and some o-rings from the overheating. The bike was down, and I decided to do a "quick" tail conversion, i sold my 04 CBR tail conversion for more cash, bought the parts, but I don't have the time to to the conversion. So i'm stuck without a car to drive..luckily i have a lot of good friends that let me borrow their cars/bikes..rode a YZF600 for about a week, rode a Suzuki Intruder for a few days, i forget what else i've driven, but right now i'm borrowing my friends pathfinder. Even though the R6 tail looks more sleek and is more comfortable to the passenger than the CBR tail was on my bike, i probably still should have just replaced the thermostat/rad cap/o-rings and kept riding the bike around, instead of thinking that downtime was a good time to do the conversion. Hindsight is 20/20 i guess..
and i'll put a vid up after it's all done