he told me a little trick that I guess works very well.
its what they do between every race to let it run like new.
I havent tried it yet, so I dont know.
first of all, there is something about compression in your carbs, and water is one of the very few things that cant be compressed.
he told me if I wanted to clean my carbs, then while the engine is running "Mist" water into the carbs...he said to only mist a tiny bit into it.
He said the water sprays all inside the carbs and gits the dried fuel out from the top and other places other stuff cant get to because of compression.
once sprayed into the carbs, black smoke should come from your exhaust (the dried crappy gunk in your carbs) and then no more smoke...and thats when your carbs are suppose to be clean.
its just something I was told today by a few of the guys that work a few shops down that build old muscle cars and the one dude specializes in building carburators.

I havent tried it yet....but I will.
i wont let it run long at all though because i cant have the airbox really on that much when I do it. and I have to do it into each of the 4 carbs.
or I can just remove the tank fairing, and then remove just the air filter, then spray it into that and then it would get all the carbs at once and I wouldnt have to remove the airbox. maybe if I just spray it into it, put the filter back on, then run the bike, maybe it will do the same.