I was heading home and a guy pulled out in front of me but was only going about 3 mph on the 30mph zone. I followed him for a bit because I thought he might be turning left into one of the houses. but he wasnt turning. so I turned on my flashers and florred it and as I was pulling next to him THEN he dicides hes going to turn. I slammed on my brakes and for some reason my bike just sorta slipped sideways

luckly I was is shock and just hopped up and lifted my bike right up with my extra strength from the shock. I didnt even feel anything. I remember sliding on the road and saying to my self "God damnit"
people ran up to help and asked if I was ok...I said I was fine.
I started up my bike and drove home shaking.
I need a jacket...and gloves... the road rash stings like hell now. and theres some clear liquid thats coming from the wounds instead of blood.
my slider saved my bike kinda...it put a little dimple in the frame where its mounted. heres the only damage me and the bike reseived

you can see blood on my grip.

now, this isnt everything I recieved. I have some scrapage on my hip, knee and ankle but it was threw my pants. my shoulder aslo has some loose of skin. and my hands.

you cant see it in the pic but the one scrap is like a bubble..

ride safe guys...and less passing.