finally bailed

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finally bailed

Post by shredex »

as most of you know, im a noobie and havent had a spill on my bike yet. until today banghead
I was heading home and a guy pulled out in front of me but was only going about 3 mph on the 30mph zone. I followed him for a bit because I thought he might be turning left into one of the houses. but he wasnt turning. so I turned on my flashers and florred it and as I was pulling next to him THEN he dicides hes going to turn. I slammed on my brakes and for some reason my bike just sorta slipped sideways :tard:
luckly I was is shock and just hopped up and lifted my bike right up with my extra strength from the shock. I didnt even feel anything. I remember sliding on the road and saying to my self "God damnit"
people ran up to help and asked if I was ok...I said I was fine.
I started up my bike and drove home shaking.
I need a jacket...and gloves... the road rash stings like hell now. and theres some clear liquid thats coming from the wounds instead of blood.

my slider saved my bike put a little dimple in the frame where its mounted. heres the only damage me and the bike reseived
you can see blood on my grip.

now, this isnt everything I recieved. I have some scrapage on my hip, knee and ankle but it was threw my pants. my shoulder aslo has some loose of skin. and my hands.
you cant see it in the pic but the one scrap is like a bubble..

ride safe guys...and less passing. :banana:
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Re: finally bailed

Post by ShogunTX »

Shredex.......Did you not read the Road Rash Saftey article I posted last month in the WIKI!? Riding without gear shame on you.
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Re: finally bailed

Post by megaloxana »

Lucky it was a low speed fall. Anyway glad you and your bike are ok.

ps..did not enjoy your semi-nudies.
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Re: finally bailed

Post by shredex »

ShogunTX wrote:Shredex.......Did you not read the Road Rash Saftey article I posted last month in the WIKI!? Riding without gear shame on you.
lol, i had my helmet on (always do), but it didnt hit the ground, not one scrap on the damn thing.
If I had a jacket, then I would have been wearing it. all i have is a sweater...
im to broke to afford a jacket right now, so Im going to see if my brother will let me borrow his till I get mine
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Re: finally bailed

Post by tkclow »

Glad you are ok, GET SOME GEAR. I went down several years back at around 55-60mph and the leather saved me ALOT more pain and aggravation. Ride safe, get some gear and keep it shiny side up.
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Re: finally bailed

Post by reelrazor »

shredex wrote:
ShogunTX wrote:Shredex.......Did you not read the Road Rash Saftey article I posted last month in the WIKI!? Riding without gear shame on you.
lol, i had my helmet on (always do), but it didnt hit the ground, not one scrap on the damn thing.
If I had a jacket, then I would have been wearing it. all i have is a sweater...
im to broke to afford a jacket right now, so Im going to see if my brother will let me borrow his till I get mine
If you are too broke for a jacket, you are too broke for a skin graft for sure. :thumbsup:

But seriously, go and check your local Salvation army or goodwill store. The ones by me sell all leather jackets they get for $19.95.

I walked into the local Salvy last winter and over in the back I see this red thing....I get closer. Joe Rocket textile jacket with hard pads and the back protector! I was thinking "fit me fit me fit me" and it did. Cloth, they had it priced at $4.95. It was in unused. I am thinking some guy's grrl bought it for him and he didnt like it...who knows.

If you have a pride/ego issue over buying something from there, get over it.


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Re: finally bailed

Post by shredex »

i dont have an ego issue lol.
Iv been the the salvy many times. I have a few nice shirts from there.
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Re: finally bailed

Post by tommyj27 »

Good to hear you're okay Shredex.
ShogunTX wrote:Shredex.......Did you not read the Road Rash Saftey article I posted last month in the WIKI!? Riding without gear shame on you.
That was awful, but a great example of why you should wear full gear when riding. Full gear is an absolute must unless you're riding down a deserted straight road, in perfect conditions, on a perfect bike, going the speed limit; even then you wouldn't catch me without mine.

If you don't have the complete set of gear (helmet, jacket, gloves, pants, boots), get them before you climb on your bike again. Even if you have to borrow money to get it, buy it now. You never know when something like this is going to happen, so why take chances with your health? Shredex came out of it with a little stinging, but it could have very easily been much worse.

It may seem like a lot of coin to be dropping to cover your ass in cow, but when you compare it to the cost of an ambulance ride, good gear pays for itself several times over the instant you hit the pavement, never mind the bill once you make it to the hospital.

Not ragging on you shredex, just making a general statement about how foolish it is to ride without protection.
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Re: finally bailed

Post by Dragon »

Ok guys, no more tips for Shredy till he shows us some gear!!! bonkonhead

Glad you & the fizz are ok, just imagine if it was the new bike you wanted.
Everything happens for a reason, now get healed up,some gear and get back riding "safely".
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Re: finally bailed

Post by shredex »

ShogunTX wrote:Shredex.......Did you not read the Road Rash Saftey article I posted last month in the WIKI!? Riding without gear shame on you.
just looked for it... could not find it...anyone got a link?
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Re: finally bailed

Post by shredex »

found the thread...thanks guys
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Re: finally bailed

Post by ShogunTX »

DUDE click WIKI and it is the second link on the screen

SAFETY ARTICLE : Extreme Road Rash ..........

Off topic, I justify my gear by my insurance deductable.

1. I pay the first $1500.00 of any medical expenses
2. After the first $1500.00 the company picks up 80%
3. After another $1500.00 the company picks up 100%

So the way I see it, I have $3000.00 a year to spend on safty gear! I am going to pay for it either way.

But I am glad Shredex you made it through your first bail and live to ride another day. Check the lubbock tx craigslist I believe I saw a jacket on thier earlier this week.
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Re: finally bailed

Post by cad600 »

Glad your still with us Shred. Definatly try to get some gear. Christmas is coming up, ask your parents for some cash to put towards a leather jacket. Textile one might make more cense in Florida, but leather is never wrong. I still remeber wearing a jacket on par with a ski jacket when I lived in Margate City 20+ years ago. It was only 50 degrees out side but when that's all you know, 50 degrees is damn cold.

By the way,I faired a little better with my low side on the road rash topic. But the medical bill for my collar bone surgery and implant was over 14k. Insurance good, hospital bad.
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Re: finally bailed

Post by haunter »

sliders seem to have done their job!

glad to see the rash isnt too bad, but its worse than I had in a 40 mph off last fall in a jacket and dress pants/shoes :)
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Re: finally bailed


under 100 bucks you could grip this ... eouts.aspx
not bad in my mind would save you from rashes
and if you got an extra 20 bucks you can even throw these in the cart with shipping maybe 120 thats not bad ... eouts.aspx
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