Anyone familiar with Honda CB's?

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Re: Anyone familiar with Honda CB's?

Post by megaloxana »

94fzr600convert wrote:That's it...this discussion has made me just call my dad and ask how much he wants for the cb750k....I've been drooling over this site all morning .... goooooood stuff.
yeah thats a great site. Hopefully you get it the bike.
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Re: Anyone familiar with Honda CB's?

Post by Dr Rockso »

megaloxana wrote:Rockso that is an awesome bike you have there. Do you still have it?

no , i actually sold that to get my fzr . i'd have to say my favorite feature of the cb750 is that the airbox slides off so you can easily remove the carbs (if you've ever removed carbs on any other 70's or 80's jap bike you know how much of a pain it can be to shoe-horn those damn things in ) and the bowls on the carbs are held on with lock bars , like the brake master cylinder lid on most old cars . they're really easy to work on . my friend still has his , he was going to bike week and didn't have a bike at the time , so we found him this 73 cb750 for $300 . it has a mural of a basset hound on the tank and says "ole blu " . so many people stopped to talk to him about it at bike week that he just started to make up stories about ole blue and what happened to him . my favorite is the one where ole blu got stuck in a corn thresher on a farm . here's ole blu
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Re: Anyone familiar with Honda CB's?

Post by YAM93 »

nice Rockso, and also good to know i'm not the only closet-Honda guy in the group, haha. My dad had a 73 CB750, he sold it around 1979 and it was still in mint condition. He had quite a few similar bikes in the 70's but i always wished he had kept that one.
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Re: Anyone familiar with Honda CB's?

Post by old_school »

TomGun wrote:
old_school wrote:
TomGun wrote:My first bike was a 78 CB 550/4. I owned that in the mid 1980's. Loved that bike, I put short handle bars and kerker headers on that puppy, and it would move.They polish up very nice.
Tip: don't ArmourAll the seats you tend to slide off. :tard: Sounds like a fun project!

Mine looked like this one:
That was my first bike also! same nasty green color.. had a blown 4th gear.. ran like a champ..
Ah that brings back good times!! I bought mine when I was in grade 11, for $550.00. I had never rode a street bike before until then. Rode it home that day on the way from school, that was scary., but I'm here to tell. The obsession started from then. :cheers:
We have alot in common... I was a senior, paid $350.. what a great first bike... Rockso that is a great looking bike!!
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Re: Anyone familiar with Honda CB's?

Post by davephipps »

I've got a 550 parts bike in the garage. I like them better then the 750's. The 550 is lighter and has a shorter whellbase.
Also the 550 shares the same lower bearing size of the FZR fork, so with a bit of medling about you can put an FZR front end on a 550. I've also seen a FZR rear end on one also. It was converted to dual shock. looked sweeet!!!!
Here's a god resource for CB's
FZR600 1992
CB550F 1974
GL1000 1978
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Re: Anyone familiar with Honda CB's?

Post by The Usual Suspect »

Go for the CB750 SOHC!
My kid brother had one the F model with the 4 into one. Awesome bike. AND HONDA STILL MAKES PARTS!
I had two 550 Visions. Yea! run away.
BTW where are you located? I like those old SECAs. I had a 550 Seca with the choo choo train fairing.
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