i came across some front tires on local CL , called the dude up and agreed to meet up check out his tires well when he got there he told me he sold his Dunlop Qualifier tire , and all he had left was this Michelin Pilot Power Tire . So after inspecting it and him tellin me it has no more then 150 miles on it , i told him it looked more used then 150 miles but i personally wouldnt know what 150 miles looks like . He was asking 50 bucks i told it all dirty n what not , ill offer you 20 and thanks for your time .. He hesitated for a minute and as i was about to turn back to head to my truck he opted for the 20 .Too bad riding season is over here but atleast Now i dont have to worry about that nasty ass balded out bridgestone i have up front .. Anyone ever use this tire or know if its anygood , i took it to the dealer today to get mounted and the lady was like becareful with that new tire its very slick . I left a little puzzled as to if she was referring to the tire itself or maybe because she thought i was gonna ride on it in this 30 degree weather were getting .. anyways i think i got a pretty good deal for 20 bucks and good tread and 20 to mount and balance .. Next spring is looking bright allready if the fiz still around by then ,,here some pic of tire
mounted on wheel not bike .excuse the mess
2002 R1 9k miles , Hotbodies undertail , Chopped Hindle Hi Mount , Solo Seat cowl,Frame sliders, little yellow yamaha wheel stickers .hehe
94' 600RR SOLD**
hid xenon
airtek solo tail
time for a 1000
R.I.P DaD 2/17/09 Your in my <3 always
Never used one, but good deal. As for the slick tire comment, new tires are slick. I've heard so many people wipe out when rolling out on brand new tires. I always take some sandpaper to all my new tires to get the top layer off. If you don't, you end up like this guy
'92 FZR 600 Airtech R1 kit \*/ 520 conversion \*/ 14F-47R gearing
K&N pod filters \*/ Stage 3 jet kit \*/ Factory Pro shift kit \*/ Full V&H SS exhaust
Custom '02 R6 undertail \*/ YZF gas tank \*/ Raised via dogbones \*/ custom flush turnsignals
Full R6 brake set-up \*/ SS lines \*/ Progressive fork springs \*/ ZX2 coilpack
I run a Pilot Power 2ct up front.Almost the same but a harder compound in the middle.I never had any issues with traction loss.Major score for $20 bucks
The slickness is from the oils they use in the manufacturing process to keep the tire from sticking in the mold. I've heard from 200-500mi. you are supposed to ride/drive more conservatively because the residual oils can cause you to lose traction. That said, I've never noticed it before.
hmm i read in sport rider, that they really don't use mold release on the tread anymore because of teflon lining on the molds. They only use it on the sidewalls so that they look nicer.
manveru wrote:hmm i read in sport rider, that they really don't use mold release on the tread anymore because of teflon lining on the molds. They only use it on the sidewalls so that they look nicer.
My brother dropped his new (less than 50 miles) HD because of this oily release mucky tyre and the tyre guy who put my 18" on the fizzer said the same you have to heat cycle the tyre SANDING will not do it as the heat thins the muck in the tyre surface and that is the problem you have to purge it by road wear & the heat this generates.
well im hopin to change it out before the snow falls to atleast get to ride on it , it is still a used tire im just hopin this will cure some of the shake at 85-90 cant wait to warm her up on one of these 50 degree days
2002 R1 9k miles , Hotbodies undertail , Chopped Hindle Hi Mount , Solo Seat cowl,Frame sliders, little yellow yamaha wheel stickers .hehe
94' 600RR SOLD**
hid xenon
airtek solo tail
time for a 1000
R.I.P DaD 2/17/09 Your in my <3 always
Man, people talk like new tires are made of ice coated teflon covered in butter, wrapped in a lubricated condom.
Yeah, new tires are a bit slick but it is my experience that a good new sport tire is stickier brand new than a decent tire ever was 20 years ago.
I just ride 'em..leave a bit more following distance and don't give 'em harsh turn inputs. I try to stay away from other traffic. But, I'll stand it up outa corners and whack the throttle open and let the rear spin a bit on the first ride...more than once. Fronts I just brake as hard as they'll take a number of times. And I will progressively corner harder as the first couple rides go by.
“A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools.”-Douglas Adams
“A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools.”-Douglas Adams
manveru wrote:hmm i read in sport rider, that they really don't use mold release on the tread anymore because of teflon lining on the molds. They only use it on the sidewalls so that they look nicer.
My brother dropped his new (less than 50 miles) HD because of this oily release mucky tyre and the tyre guy who put my 18" on the fizzer said the same you have to heat cycle the tyre SANDING will not do it as the heat thins the muck in the tyre surface and that is the problem you have to purge it by road wear & the heat this generates.
I wonder if you used a tyre warmer & sand paper ?
use a solventy cleaner like Simple Green or brake cleaner....should take the chem residue right off so Im told
was ride #2 on my latest rear (avon av56 150/70-18)
I can't watch your videos... makes me dizzy. Is your camera mount tightened down enough?
Its mounted on my tankbag and strapped down. Kind of a compromise between getting a decent image and percussive rattling a $1000 dslr body to death. That road is quite rough at speed, lots of tree root humps.
“A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools.”-Douglas Adams
reelrazor wrote:Its mounted on my tankbag and strapped down. Kind of a compromise between getting a decent image and percussive rattling a $1000 dslr body to death. That road is quite rough at speed, lots of tree root humps.
What camera are you using? I don't know of a DSLR that takes video...
I use this ONE. I use it with a 8mm camera. My camera is fairly large by todays standards, but it seems to do fairly well even though its age. I haven't used it on public roads.... yet.
I'm not knocking your technique, I just looking for the best option as are many folks.
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